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CMPUT404 Winter 2021 group project (Team 2). Our project is to create a distributed social network!!

Group members:

  • Vinny Luu
  • Justin Mah
  • Monica Uwalaka
  • Raymond Sarinas
  • Christian Lo

Deployment Link

Our project's back-end is deployed on Heroku here. The front-end is deployed on netlify here.

Backend setup

Assuming you already postgres installed and a superuser created, first create a postgres database for our server:

CREATE DATABASE myproject; # Inside psql shell

Next, setup a virtual environment and install requirements:

cd back-end/
virtualenv venv --python=python3
source venv/bin/activate # Assuming Linux/MacOS
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd api/
python migrate

From now on, to run the server from the back-end/api/ directory (ensure your virtualenv is always activated first):

python runserver

Front-end setup

Our front-end is a React app, which can be started using the following commands. Ensure that the back-end is also running, or else the front-end will just display a blank page. After running the following commands, you can access the front-end at http://localhost:3000/ by default.

cd front-end
npm install # only on first run, or whenever dependencies are updated
npm start

How to run tests

We have model and endpoint tests for our back-end. Ensure that your virtualenv to run the back-end is activated before running the below commands.

cd back-end/api
python test

Contributors / Licensing

LICENSE'D under the Apache 2 license by Vinny Luu, Justin Mah, Monica Uwalaka, Raymond Sarinas, Christian Lo