This repository keeps small utilities for PixelPhase1 (mainly for debugging purposes)
- DeadROCViewer - script that produces maps with marked desired ROCs inside modules.
- HotPixels - analyzer that looks for 'hyperreactive' ROCs.
- InefficientDoubleCol - analyze inefficient double in-ROC columns and noisy single columns.
- NoisyCosmicROCs - analyze online DQM file to spot single and clustered noisy pixel problems.
- PythonBINReader - script which takes DQM file as an input, looks for all module level Pixel plots and reads bins' values (bin content reflects activity in a specified module) to produce simple ROOT tree used by TkCommissioner.
- SiPixelPhase1Analyzer - CMSSW tool to produce Offline Pixel Tracker maps which layout resambles real detector.
- TH2PolyOfflineMaps - creates Pixel Tracker Maps from DQM module level plots.
- TH2PolyOnlineNamingMaps - creates reference images which show where each sector/blade/ladder is in the given place of the Pixel Detector.
- TMComparator - utility to create graphical comparisons between Tracker Maps.
More information about scripts is provided inside each script directory.