TrailScribe Server is implemented using Python and Django. It provides services for TrailScribe clients to synchronize maps and KMLs for offline use. The two major components of TrailScribe server are Tiling Service and Sync Center.
Tiling Service is comprised of a Python and a shell script that allows the user to create map tiles from a GeoTIFF raster satellite image. It uses GDAL to process all geospatial data.
- Requirements
- Ubuntu 12.04.4
- Python 2.7
- MySQL-python
- python-gdal
- Installing MySQL-python
apt-get install python-pip
pip install -U pip
apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
pip install MySQL-python
pip install --allow-external mysql-connector-python mysql-connector-python
- Installing GDAL and python-gdal
apt-get install gdal-bin
apt-get install python-gdal
- The files setup_map and must be at directory:
- Create folder
mkdir ~/trailscribe/scripts/tmp
- The files setup_map and must be executable
chmod 755 setup_map
- Start by uploading a Geotiff map image to the appropriate location on the server.
scp map.tif <user>@<host>:~/trailscribe/scripts/tmp/.
- Upload .tfw (plain text - World file) at the same directory. The map and its respective TFW file must have the same names.
scp map.tfw <user>@<host>:~/trailscribe/scripts/tmp/.
- Run Python script. Usage:
python tmp/<source map> <target map name>
python tmp/map.tif map1
- If this map already exists in the database, the user will be prompted for an update:
- This map already exists in the database. Would you like to update the record for this map with the new data (Y/yes or N/no)?
- If the user inputs Y/yes, the map tiles will be updated. If they input anything else, the script will abort:
- Operation aborted. Please provide a unique map name and run the script again.
- Newly created tiles can be found at:
Alternatively, the user can just upload a zip folder containing TMS-structured map tiles in the following directory on the TrailScribe Server:
scp <user>@<host>:~/trailscribe/media/map/
And then run a SQL query to insert the map's metadata to the server database:
INSERT INTO sync_center_map (name, projection, min_zoom_level, max_zoom_level, min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x, filename, last_modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, now())
Sync Center is a Django web app that provides RESTful API for TrailScribe Client to download latest maps and KMLs for offline use. It is integrated with Apache HTTP Server and uses MySQL as the database server.
- Requirements
- Ubuntu 12.04.4
- Python 2.7
- Django 1.4.11
- MySQL 5.5.37
- Apache 2.2.22
- MySQLdb
- mod_wsgi
- Install MySQLdb
- `sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
- Install mod_wsgi & Apache Worker MPM
- `sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-worker
- `sudo apt-get install apache2-threaded-dev
- `pip install mod_wsgi
- Clone TrailScribe Server project from GitHub
- `cd /home/scribe
- `git clone
- `mv TrailScribeServer trailscribe
- Create Database for TrailScribe Server
- Log on MySQL `mysql -u -p
- Create database `CREATE DATABASE trailscribe;
- Integrate Django and Apache HTTP Server
- Edit httpd.conf `vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
- Add the following content to httpd.conf
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/scribe/trailscribe/trailscribe/
WSGIPythonPath /home/scribe/trailscribe<Directory /home/scribe/trailscribe/trailscribe>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all</Files>
- Restart Apache HTTP Server `sudo service apache2 restart