This is a third-party patch that replaces the lua engine of the DST linux server with luajit to improve performance. The idea of adoption is similar to paintdream's DontStarveLuaJIT
Here is a simple docker-compose.
version: "3"
container_name: dst_server_luajit
# the image used here is not the same with
# [the port you allowed in for firewall]:[server_port from server.ini in your game save]
- 10998:10998/udp
- 10999:10999/udp
# The path left should be modified to your game save directory, which is the parent directory of Cluster_1 normally
- ~/dst/saves:/usr/steamapps/dst/saves
# The path left should be modified to where you are going to save your mods, so you don't need redownload every mods while rebuild your game container. this line NOT REQUIRED
- ~/dst/mods:/usr/steamapps/dst/dedicated_server/mods
# The path left should be modified to where you are going to save your V2 mods, so you don't need redownload every mods while rebuild your game container. this line NOT REQUIRED
- ~/dst/ugc_mods:/usr/steamapps/workshop/content/322330
# modify this to your game save name, it will be MyDediServer by default
max-size: 10m
max-file: "3"
For further information please refer to the Readme at DediServer_Docker
has a DockerHub mirror at suv001/cn-dst-developer.dediserver_docker
, there is also a mirror for this at suv001/cn-dst-developer.faster_dst
NOTE: The common dependence on different Linux versions are usually different, the pre-build release may not work on your computer. So we strongly recommend you using the docker image which is pre-installed dontstarve_dedicated_server and this patch.
Download latest Release. Upload to your server and unpack. Go to the extracted folder and execute
sh ./ [dst_install_path] install
Replace [dst_install_path]
to your install path of dst, the default path download using Steam is "/root/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server"
Use dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer_x64_luajit
instead dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer_x64
in your start game script.
The install with docker can simplely be uninstalled by stop and remove the container "dst_server_luajit".
Otherwise, if this is installed manually, you can uninstall with this command in your extracted folder.
sh ./ [dst_install_path] uninstall
All technical details has been published in (Chinese Only).
- This project needs to be compiled with gcc-4.8.4, which you is the default compiler of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. So you can import the apt source of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and run
apt install gcc-4.8.4
. - Due to the use of git submodule to import some of dependencies, you need run
git submodule update --init --recursive
to pull all submodule after clone this repository. - Compile and debug require the environment variable
export DST_PATH=[dst_install_path]/bin64
- This was developed with VSCode. If you are using another dev-environment, please refer to the configuration file at
After clone the whole repository and all of the submodules, you can start complie by executing this command in project root folder:
make libpreload CFLAGS="-fPIC -shared -O2"
make luajit CFLAGS=-O2
make lua51
And then copy ./build/*
to your [dst_install_path],run these command
export LD_PRELOAD=./
to start game with this patch.
Feature about function entry search, function signature generation, signature matching are provide by FunctionLocater.
Copyright 2023 Fengying <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.