FIV, Nov 2024, v.2
Repository to replicate experiments and results in:
Iglesias Vázquez, F., Marques, H.O., Zimek, A. et al. What do anomaly scores actually mean? Dynamic characteristics beyond accuracy. Data Min Knowl Disc 39, 1–59 (2025).
Comparison of score dynamics and accuracy (S-curves, accuracy, discriminant power, stability, robustness, confidence, coherence, variance) generated by different outlier detection algorithms subjected to different types of perturbations.
Experiments have been tested with Python 3.9.6.
Create a new virtual environment and install dependencies with the following commands:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Synthetic data is generated with:
This creates the folder [data/synthetic_data] with datasets used for the experiments.
It additionally creates the [plots/synthetic_data] folder with selected plots included in the paper.
Note that the folder [data/real_data] contains 4 real datasets downloaded from: Specifically, they are:
- Cardiotocography (nodups, norm, 22%)
- Shuttle (nodups, norm, v10)
- Waveform (nodups, norm, v10)
- Wilt (nodups, norm, 05%)
All datasets (both synthetic and real) are in .CSV format with first row as header and the last column 'y' is the binary label: '1' for outliers, '0' for inliers.
To extract outlier scores and accuracy performances, run:
python data/synthetic_data/ minmax
This scrip will take the datasets in [data/synthetic_data] and generate the [scores/minmax] folder. This folder will contain files with point-wise outlierness scores outputed by each algorithm under test. It also creates the file performances/perf_minmax.csv folder and file with a summary table with the overall performances (accuracy metrics). The minmax argument selects the type of normalization applied on the outlierness scores.
For proba-normalization:
python data/synthetic_data/ proba
It will generate scores ([scores/proba]) and summaries (performances/perf_proba.csv) for probability (Gaussian) normalization.
Repeat the process for real datasets with:
python data/real_data/ minmax
python data/real_data/ proba
Warning! When running scripts, information saved in performance files is appended (not rewritten).
To extract S-curves and dynamic measurements:
python data/synthetic_data scores/minmax minmax
python data/synthetic_data scores/proba proba
python data/real_data scores/minmax minmax
python data/real_data scores/proba minmax
This will generate plots with S-curves in folders: [plots/minmax/S-curves] and [plots/proba/S-curves], also the files performances/dynamic_minmax.csv and performances/dynamic_proba.csv files. Note that the script matches the right dataset and file-with-scores by matching file-names.
Warning! When running scripts, information saved in performance files is appended (not rewritten).
To extract Perini's metrics (Stability & Confidence):
python data/synthetic_data minmax
python data/synthetic_data proba
python data/real_data minmax
python data/real_data proba
This will create the files: performances/peri_stab_minmax.csv and performances/peri_stab_proba.csv for the Stability measurement, and performances/peri_conf_minmax.csv and performances/peri_conf_proba.csv for the Confidence measurement.
Note that Perini's Confidence is defined element-wise. To obtain a Confidence value per solution we use the 1% quantile.
Warning!! This step can take considerable time in a desktop computer (some days).
Warning!! When running scripts, information saved in performance files is appended (not rewritten).
Original scripts are obtained from the repositories:
Confidence [1]:
Stability [2]:
[1] Perini, L., Vercruyssen, V., Davis, J.: Quantifying the confidence of anomaly detectors in their example-wise predictions. In: The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Springer Verlag (2020).
[2] Perini, L., Galvin, C., Vercruyssen, V.: A Ranking Stability Measure for Quantifying the Robustness of Anomaly Detection Methods. In: 2nd Workshop on Evaluation and Experimental Design in Data Mining and Machine Learning @ ECML/PKDD (2020).
To merge all dynamic and accuracy indices in a single file (for accuracty we only keep ROC and AAP), run:
python performances/dynamic_minmax.csv performances/perf_minmax.csv performances/peri_stab_minmax.csv performances/peri_conf_minmax.csv minmax
python performances/dynamic_proba.csv performances/perf_proba.csv performances/peri_stab_proba.csv performances/peri_conf_proba.csv proba
Generated outputs are performances/all_minmax.csv and performances/all_proba.csv.
To generate scatter plots comparing measurements and algorithms, run:
python performances/all_minmax.csv minmax
python performances/all_proba.csv proba
Additional plots will be generated in the [plots/minmax/performance] and [plots/proba/performance] folders.
To create a table in .TEX format (performances/perf_table.tex) with an overall comparison, run:
python performances/all_minmax.csv performances/all_proba.csv performances/perf_table.tex
Correlation plots (plots/corr_lin.pdf and plots/corr_gaus.pdf) are generated with:
python performances/all_minmax.csv performances/all_proba.csv plots/
The file contains tables with summary results obtained from conducting all previous steps.