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Note: You probably want to use ember-cli, which has browserify support with the ember-browserify module.
Emberate is used to create a commonjs require
hierarchy for your Ember.js project structure,
mainly to be used for building with browserify.
For example, given the following structure:
|_ user.js
|_ user/
|_ new.js
|_ profile.js
|_ draggable.js
|_ application
|_ index
|_ template.hbs
|_ post/
|_ route.js
|_ index/
|_ template.hbs
|_ controller.js
|_ edit/
|_ template.hbs
|_ route.js
Emberate can be used to generate a file that can be used as the entry point for browserify.
Install required packages:
npm install --save-dev emberate hbsfy handlebars ember-template-compiler browserify
Note: hbsfy can only be used for versions >= 2.1.0 and if using Handlebars >= 2, then the ember-template-compiler needs to be version 1.9.0-alpha or greater.
Basic Example:
var emberate = require('emberate');
emberate('./client', { outPath: './client/.index.js' }, function () {
// './client/.index.js' now exists.. browserify it.
From here you can run browserify:
browserify -t [ hbsfy -p ember-template-compiler -c Ember.Handlebars ] ./client/.index.js --outfile ./dist/scripts/application.js`
This is a basic example, for something more useful have a look at the gulp and grunt examples, or the getting started with emberate scaffold repo.
Available Options:
Emberate exports a function with the following signature: emberate(path, options, callback)
- path - The path to the root of your client directory.
- options - optional, options hash with the available options listed below.
- appName - 'App' by default, used as your application global.
- templatePath -
(in emberate project) by default. - outPath - where to save the generated file (can only be used if specifying a done callaback after options).
- podModulePrefix - Name of the directory containing pod modules.
by default.
- callback - optional, returns once done writing, if used outPath option above.
The callback is only fired if you specify outPath
in the options hash, e.g.
emberate('./client', { outPath: './client/.index.js' }, function () {
// './client/.index.js' now exists
Otherwise it's assumed that you are streaming and will create your own output file, etc..
- app.js
- router.js
- initializers/
- transforms/
- mixins/
- adapters/
- serializers/
- models/
- routes/
- controllers/
- views/
- components/
- templates/
- pods/
For ease of use with npm scripts and for quick testing.
Usage: emberate [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --output-path [path] Output path of generated file, default: './client/.index.js'
-i, --input-directory [dir] Directory to start crawling file tree, default: './client'
-n, --app-name [app-name] App Name, where your app resides globally, default 'App'
// creates a file with requires for App.* for ember
grunt.registerTask('emberate', function () {
var done = this.async();
var emberate = require('emberate');
emberate('./client', { outPath: './tmp/.index.js' }, function () {
// creates a file with requires for App.* for ember
gulp.task('emberate', function () {
var emberate = require('emberate');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
return emberate('./client')
The concept and some of the code comes from Ryan Florence's loom-ember. Also lots of the work regarding streams and performance was done by Calvin Metcalf.