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This repository contains infrastructure Layout components of the Reference System Software


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Infrastructure - Installation manual



Integrators' machine is called BASTION in the rest of the installation manual

Bastion requirements

Infrastructure requirements

  • Default configuration : here
  • A domain name publicly available with a wildcard A record.



This project exploits Kubespray to deploy Kubernetes.
The fully detailed documentation and configuration options are available on its page:

HashiCorp Vault (optional)

This project can integrate credentials from a custom HashiCorp Vault instance, see the specific documentation here.


1. Get the infrastructure repository

git clone

2. Install requirements

cd infrastructure

git submodule update --init

python3 -m pip install --user \
  pyOpenSSL ecdsa \
  -r collections/kubespray/requirements.txt

ansible-galaxy collection install \
    kubernetes.core \

3. Copy the sample inventory

cp -rfp inventory/sample inventory/mycluster

4. Review and change the default configuration to match your needs

  • Node groups and S3 buckets in inventory/mycluster/host_vars_setup/safescale.yaml
  • Credentials, domain name, the stash license, S3 endpoints in infrastructure/inventory/mycluster/host_vars/setup/main.yaml
  • Packages paths containing the apps to be deployed in inventory/mycluster/host_vars/setup/app_installer.yaml
  • Optimization for well-known zones and/or internal-only domains, i.e. VPN/Object Storage for internal networks in inventory/mycluster/host_vars/setup/kubespray.yaml
ansible-playbook generate_inventory.yaml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml

6. If needed create an image for the machines with packer

ansible-playbook image.yaml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml

7. Create and configure machines

ansible-playbook cluster.yaml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml

8. Install security services

ansible-playbook security.yaml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml \

9. Deploy kubernetes with kubespray

# The option `--become` is required, for example writing SSL keys in /etc/,
# installing packages and interacting with various systemd daemons.
# Without --become the playbook will fail to run!

ansible-playbook collections/kubespray/cluster.yml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml \

10. Enable pod security policies (PSP) on the cluster

# /!\ create first the PSP and ClusterRoleBinding resources
# before enabling the admission plugin

ansible-playbook collections/kubespray/upgrade-cluster.yml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml \
    --tags cluster-roles \
    -e podsecuritypolicy_enabled=true \

ansible-playbook collections/kubespray/upgrade-cluster.yml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml \
    --tags master \
    -e podsecuritypolicy_enabled=true \

11. Setup RS specifics

ansible-playbook rs-setup.yaml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml

12. Add the providerID spec to the nodes for the autoscaling

ansible-playbook cluster.yaml -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml -t providerids

13. Deploy the apps

ansible-playbook apps.yaml \
    -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml

Post installation

  • User's Manual : here

  • NOT MANDATORY : A load balancer listening on the public IP address pointed to by the domain name.
    Configure the load balancer to forward incoming flow toward the cluster masters.

    Load balancer port masters port protocol
    80 32080 TCP
    443 32443 TCP

For health check : https://node-ip:6443/readyz
node-ip : private ip of each master

  • You may disable access to Keycloak master realm. From Apisix interface: open Route tab, search for iam_keycloak_keycloak-superadmin and click on Offline.


In order to build the autoscaling component check from source, first clone the GitHub repository :

1. Build the cluster-autoscaler

NAME_IMAGE="cluster-autoscaler" ;
CA_TAG="1.22.3" ;

git clone

mkdir scaler/build ;
wget${CA_TAG}.tar.gz -O scaler/build/ca.tar.gz ;

cd scaler/build ;
tar -xzf ca.tar.gz autoscaler-cluster-autoscaler-${CA_TAG}/cluster-autoscaler ;

cd scaler/build/autoscaler-cluster-autoscaler-${CA_TAG}/cluster-autoscaler ;
make build-arch-amd64 ;

cd scaler/build/autoscaler-cluster-autoscaler-${CA_TAG}/cluster-autoscaler ;
docker build -t ${REGISTRY_BASE}/${PROJECT}/${NAME_IMAGE}:${CA_TAG} -f Dockerfile.amd64 . ;

2. Build the rs-infra-autoscaler

NAME_IMAGE="rs-infra-scaler" ;
SAFESCALE_TAG="v22.11.6" ;
SCALER_TAG="1.6.0" ;

git clone

mkdir scaler/ansible_resources ;
cp -r *.yaml ansible.cfg roles inventory scaler/ansible_resources ;

cd scaler ;
docker build --build-arg SAFESCALE_TAG=${SAFESCALE_TAG} -t ${REGISTRY_BASE}/${PROJECT}/${NAME_IMAGE}:${SCALER_TAG} -f Dockerfile . ;

3. Build the safescale daemon

NAME_IMAGE="safescaled" ;
SAFESCALE_TAG="v22.11.6" ;

git clone ;

docker build --build-arg SAFESCALE_TAG=${SAFESCALE_TAG} -t ${REGISTRY_BASE}/${PROJECT}/${NAME_IMAGE}:${SAFESCALE_TAG} -f scaler/safescaled.Dockerfile . ;

Known issues and limitations

The project and this component has few known issues and limitations. Head over the limitation page to learn more about it.

Tree view

The repository is made of the following main directories and files.

  • apps: A package example, gathering default applications deployed with Reference System platform.
  • collections/kubespray: folder where kubespray is integrated into the project as a git submodule.
    • cluster.yml: The Ansible playbook to run to deploy Kubernetes or to add a master node.
    • scale.yml: An Ansible playbook to add a worker node.
    • remove-node.yml: An Ansible playbook to remove a node.
  • doc: Here we find all the documentation describing the infrastructure deployment and maintenance operations.
  • inventory:
    • sample: An Ansible inventory for a sample configuration.
      • group_vars:
        • all:
          • app_installer.yaml: The configuration of the app installer roles. It includes the list and paths of packages to install.
          • main.yaml: Mandatory platform configuration.
          • kubespray.yaml: The Kubespray configuration.
          • safescale.yaml: Configuration of the machines, networks and buckets created by SafeScale, and more.
          • apps: One file per app deployed containing specific variables.
      • hosts.yaml: The list of machines described in their respective groups, this file is managed by the cluster.yaml playbook.
  • roles: The list of roles used to deploy the cluster.
  • ansible.cfg: Ansible configuration file. It includes the ssh configuration to allow Ansible to access the machines through the gateway.
  • apps.yaml: An Ansible playbook to deploy the applications on the platform.
  • cluster.yaml: An Ansible playbook to manage the safescale cluster and its machines
  • delete.yaml: An Ansible playbook to delete a SafeScale cluster and remove all the generated resources.
  • generate_inventory.yaml: An Ansible playbook to generate inventory vars.
  • image.yaml: An Ansible playbook to build a golden OS image.
  • security.yaml: An Ansible playbook to install the security services on the nodes.

Playbooks manual

name tags utility
apps.yaml none deploy applications
Supported possible options:
-e app=APP_NAME Deploy only a specific application.
-e debug=true Keep the application resources generated for debugging.
-e package=PACKAGE_NAME Deploy only a specific package.
cluster.yaml none
all tags below are executed
create safescale cluster
configure cluster machines
configure gateways
update hosts.yaml with newly created machines, fill .ssh folder with machines ssh private keys
write providerID spec to kube nodes
⚠️ this playbook has been developed with the only purpose of testing the project not for production usage
remove ssh keys, added hosts in hosts.yaml, ssh config file
detach added disks from k8s nodes
delete added disks from k8s nodes
delete safescale cluster
generate_inventory.yaml none Generate/download/upload inventory vars in group_vars/all
image.yaml none make reference system golden image for k8s nodes
security.yaml none
install all security tools
install auditd
install wazuh
install clamav
install openvpn
install suricata
uninstall the app matching APP_NAME

Copyright and license

The Reference System Software as a whole is distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0. A copy of this license is available in the LICENSE file. Reference System Software depends on third-party components and code snippets released under their own license (obviously, all compatible with the one of the Reference System Software). These dependencies are listed in the NOTICE file.

This project is funded by the EU and ESA.