See CWL graph rendered at
# Clone current project
git clone
# Create a virtual environment
virtualenv cwltool
source cwltool/bin/activate
pip install cwltool
# Add task and tools in PATH
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
# add ~/.local/bin into PATH
ln -s ~/chronos-demo/pge/ ~/.local/bin
ln -s ~/chronos-demo/ ~/.local/bin
ln -s ~/chronos-demo/ ~/.local/bin
# Create a job working dir
WDIR=work_$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
mkdir $WDIR
cd $WDIR
# Initialize sample input files and create args.json with path to that sample files 1 input input
cwltool ~/chronos-demo/cwl/KARIN_HR.cwl args.json
Safescale cloud management platform can be used to deploy a Toil-Mesos cluster automatically on a cloud provider infrastructure.
to get a Mesos cluster up and running. The script also executes to required configuration to execute the CWL graph.
./ fe # Flexible Engine with 2 Mesos agent nodes
./ ovh 4 # OVH with 4 Mesos agent nodes
# Start Safescale broker daemon
broker tenant list
broker tenant set ovh
# List cluster host names
broker host list|jq -r '.[].Name'
# Connect to Mesos master host
broker ssh connect chronos-master-1
sudo su - toil
# Create job working dir
WDIR=work_$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
mkdir ~/$WDIR
cd ~/$WDIR
# Run CWL job with Toil
cwltoil \
--jobStore=file:/data/toil/job_stores/my-job-store \
--batchSystem=mesos \
--mesosMaster=<mesos_master_host>:5050 \
../chronos-demo/cwl/KARIN_HR.cwl \
Output files are generated into current work directory.
If required, run toil clean /data/toil/job_stores/my-job-store/
to cleanup job store folder.
Create a SSH tunnel to Mesos master host with settings:
LocalForward 60443 <mesos_master_host>:443
LocalForward 60080 <mesos_master_host>:80
Access to:
- DC/OS dashboard at http://localhost:60080
- Mesos dashboard at http://localhost:60080/mesos
Safescale cluster can also be accessed with a remote desktop.
A Toil job Python script is also provided as an example. To run it, execute:
cd chronos-demo
python \
file:/data/toil/job_stores/my-job-store \
--batchSystem=mesos \