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ImageLab is a framework that allows students to develop image modification processors (filters) and to experience the results visually and aurally.


The imagelab and sound packages may be provided in an imagelab.jar file. The imagelab.jar file also includes the class Run with a public static void main method in the unnamed package, used to facilitate running the ImageLab application. (This version may also be used directly as a BlueJ project.)

The filter package is generally provided as a folder with source (.java) and compiled (.class) files, with the source versions serving as examples for students.

A sample set of images are provided in an "images" directory.

Creating an executable jar file

The project is already set up using the gradle wrapper so we can just use that to create the jar file.

  1. Using the command line interface, change to the project's root directory.
  2. Execute the command ./gradlew build
  3. This will build/rebuild the jar file using all the required dependencies.
  4. The new jar file will be named "imagelab.jar" and it will be located in the project's root directory.

More information on gradle can be found here and more information on the gradle wrapper can be found here.

If there is no automated build environment set up, the jar file can be created using jar.

  1. Using the command line interface, change to the project's root directory.
  2. Execute the command javac to compile the file.
  3. Execute the command javac *.java in the package directories to compile/recompile those package java files. The package directories for this project will be the sound and imagelab directories.
  4. In the root directory execute the command echo Main-Class: Run > MANIFEST.MF to create the manifest file you will use for making the jar.
  5. Create the jar using the command jar cfm imagelab.jar MANIFEST.MF *.class sound/*.class imagelab/*.class
  6. The new jar file will be named "imagelab.jar" and it will be located in the project's root directory.

More information on creating the jar can be found here and more information about java commands can be found here.

The executable jar file can also be created within an IDE. Some specific examples from popular IDE's can be found here:

To use from command line:

  • Make sure the filters directory is in the same directory as the imagelab.jar file.
  • Then issue the command
    java -jar imagelab.jar

An alternative command is: java -cp ".:imagelab.jar" Run
Note that on Windows platforms, the ":" character in the classpath must be changed to the ";" character.

Build Instructions

Before You Build

  • Install Gradle
    • Gradle is the tool used in this repository for automation of the build. Please visit for specific installation instructions.

Using Gradle

To build the project use the command:
./gradlew build

Key Commands

  • Display the full list of commands that can be excecuted
    • ./gradlew tasks --all
  • Run the program
    • ./gradlew run
  • Compile the main java source
    • ./gradlew compileJava
  • Delete the build directory
    • ./gradlew clean
  • Assemble the main classes
    • ./gradlew classes
  • Assemble and test the project
    • ./gradlew build
  • Assemble the test classes
    • ./gradlew testClasses
  • Generate checkstyle reports
    • ./gradlew checkstyle
  • Run unit tests
    • ./gradlew test
  • Compile unit tests
    • ./gradlew compileTestJava
  • Run all checks
    • ./gradlew check

Resources and References


ImageLab is a framework for student exploration of image processing.
Copyright (C) 2016,2019 by Aaron Gordon & Jody Paul
The software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

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