Name write-your-name How many points have you earned? 0/100 (Make your own calculation and replace the number 0 with the points you think you've earned.) How many hours have you spent on this? fill-in-your-answer What is the most difficult part about this week's challenge? fill-in-your-answer Show and tell (8 points) Link (2 points) title-of-the-article What new knowledge or insight have you gained from this visualization? (6 points) fill-in-your-answer Tableau (I) (7 points x 3 + 2 points x 10 + 3 points x 10 = 71 points) Checkpoints 1 (7 points) 2 (7 points) 3 (7 points) Challenges 1 (2 points) 2 (2 points) 3 (2 points) 4 (2 points) 5 (2 points) 6 (2 points) 7 (2 points) 8 (2 points) 9 (2 points) 10 (2 points) 11 (3 points) 12 (3 points) 13 (3 points) 14 (3 points) 15 (3 points) 16 (3 points) 17 (3 points) 18 (3 points) 19 (6 points) Analysis 1 Checkpoints (7 points x 3 = 21 points) 1 (7 points) 2 (7 points) 3 (7 points)