Draw on any image inside your desktop or mobile browser.
- Get image with drawing as base64 string or download it directly (original or browser sized)
- Get sketches as JSON data
- Load the sketches by the JSON
- Load by method or
- Set options like line width or color
- Responsive: draw on the image and resize the browser. If the image resizes your sketch will do too. Also JSON data considered the image ratio so you can draw on a tiny image version (css resized!) and load the JSON data on a bigger version of the image.
You can try a working example online: DEMO
npm install image-sketchpad --save
# yarn add image-sketchpad
I have included different files for different usages
First include the JS file at the bottom of your html page
<script src="image-sketchpad.min.js"></script>
Second initialize the sketchpad and bind it to an image
<img src="..." id="Image" />
<script src="image-sketchpad.min.js"></script>
var img = document.getElementById('Image');
var sketchpadOptions = {};
var sketchPad = ImageSketchpad(img, sketchpadOptions);
That's it!
- Test with some kind like electron
- Write e2e tests
responsive-sketchpad - I made a complete rewrite but got the inspiration from this nice npm package.