This is a demo that exhibits personality trait judgment using shallow features in faces. The code is a pipeline connecting face detection, face normalization, feature detection, trait judgment, and graphic output using the python interface to the OpenCV library.
#Installation: Download Repository
$ git clone
Download and symlink vlfeat
$ cd Live-Attribute-Demo
$ git clone
$ cd vlfeat
$ make
$ cd ..
$ ln -s vlfeat/bin/YOUR SYSTEM/sift ./
Download liblinear
$ git clone
$ cd liblinear
$ make
$ cd python
$ make
$ cd ../../
There are three main files:,,
$ python [OPTIONS]
Live Demo from webcam
OPTIONS and Arguments:
-t, --trait= (current_trait)
number corresponding to trait in list, 'traits', i.e. 0 is Trustworthiness, 1 is Dominance
-m, --multi
Analyze all potential faces with valid eyes
-s, --scale= (scale factor)
scale size of final display
-x, --x= (x coordinate)
-y, --y= (y coordinate)
x, y coordinates of display on screen
$python [OPTIONS]
Processes all mp4 and avi videos in a given directory
OPTIONS and Arguments:
-t, --trait= (current_trait)
number corresponding to trait in list, 'traits', i.e. 0 is Trustworthiness, 1 is Dominance
-m, --multi
Analyze all potential faces with valid eyes
-d, --dir= (directory)
Directory holding all video files, processed will be put in directory/processed/
$python [OPTIONS]
Processes all jpg videos in a given directory
OPTIONS and Arguments:
-t, --trait= (current_trait)
number corresponding to trait in list, 'traits', i.e. 0 is Trustworthiness, 1 is Dominance
-d, --dir= (directory)
Directory holding all image files, processed will be put in directory/processed/
Continuous live demo with only one face
$ python
Continouous live demo with only one face, analyzing dominance
$ python --trait=1
Analyze videos in ./movies/ for dominance with multiple face analysis and save in ./movies/processed/
$ python --dir=./movies --multi --trait=1
Anthony S, Scheirer W. Use of shallow, non-invariant representations in high-level face perception tasks [abstract]. In: VSS 2015. Journal of Vision; September 2015. Vol. 15, 934
Anthony S, Nakayama K, Scheirer W. Judgment of Personality Traits from Real World Face Images [abstract]. In VSS 2014. Journal of Vision; September 2014. Vol 14, 1280
Demo by Mel McCurrie