Just another stat seminar series for beginners from basic statistical concept to using generalized linear (mixed) models to analyze data.
Check out the little interactive games designed to test your knowledge:
Some extra information, that we don't have time to cover during the seminars:
And a new quiz about derived quantities: https://view.genial.ly/643443a6fa779d00101286b2/interactive-content-derived-quantitiesquiz-flashcard
A new revision quiz about probability distributions: https://view.genial.ly/644689b02b0e67001728bf20/interactive-content-probability-distribution-quiz
May 19, 2023: I have added 2 short exercices designed to help you get used to reading other people's code and adapt it to your needs, and get used to Googling "How to do.........in R". ETC: 5-6min