Andreas Braun (aka browniebraun)
Mark Brugnoli-Vinten (aka netniV)
Larry Adams (aka TheWitness)
This plugin creates tabular reports from RRDfile data which will be archived and optionally Emailed to a user or users.
Definition of individual report templates by using measurands and variables in a mathematical way
Definition of report configurations depending on report templates and with different data items
Individual configuration of working days, working time, timezone and subheads per data item
Scheduled reporting with sliding time frames
Provides rounding with binary or decimal SI-Prefixes
Export to CSV, SML and XML
Different ways of connecting RRDtool
Working in localtime supports change to DST and vice versa
Automatic dispatch of scheduled reports via email
Generation of top 10 charts
Report history * Report per email
Autoexport to a dedicated folder
Before you install "ReportIt", check the following requirements:
- Cacti 1.2.27 or higher.
To upgrade "ReportIt" release 0.4.0 or higher is required.
A prior version (0.1, 0.2, 0.3.0, 0.3.1, 0.3.2 or 0.4.0a) has to be completely uninstalled (mysql tables as well)!
Therefore you can use uninstall.php.
Optional: To use the full set of ReportIt's functionalities additional extensions are required
- Fast report generation: PHP extension 'php_rrdtool'
The Installation of ReportIt is similar to other plugins:
Unpack the tar-file into the plugins folder. It contains a folder called "reportit".
Go to the Plugin Management Console and click on "Install".
Start Cacti and update your realm permissions under "Utilities/User Management".
Update ReportIt's settings under "Configuration/Settings/Reports".
To upgrade an existing version of ReportIt please ensure that its release number is v0.4.0 or above. It's strongly recommended to make a backup of your cacti database and your ReportIt folder before! If you're using the default archive folder of 0.6.x save it first!!!
After that replace your existing ReportIt folder with the new one stored in this download archive. Go to the plugin management console and click on "install". The upgrade process will start automatically! After it has finished you can enable ReportIt with a click on "enable".
ReportIt does not require that your webserver has write access to any folder. But if the history function should be in use, you will have to ensure that the user, who executes the calculation of your scheduled reports via Crontab or another scheduler, will have write access to the folders called "tmp" and "archive". Same has to be ensured for the export folder. At least change to the Cacti Webinterface and check the settings under Console > Configuration > Settings > Reports.
Console > Templates > Reports - create report template, enable publish, disable locked Console > Management > Reports - create report from your template. Don't forget use "Add data items" Use ReportIT tab Manual is in file MANUAL.PDF
ReportIt was created and written by Andreas Braun (browniebraun) with numerous contributors over the years. Recent upgrades seen other contributors helping out including Jimmy Connor (cigamit), Mark Brugnoli-Vinten (netniV) and Carlimeunier.
If you need additional help, please visit our forums
If you find any potential issues, please use GitHub Issues
At first it's recommend to discuss your feature request with the Cacti community. After that you should open a feature request on GitHub
In the near future, we will be reducing the number of files in this plugin to conform with the Cacti design specification that places all of the functions of a plugin under common base path names. This will allow ReportIt to get along better in the Cacti Console specifically.
We will also provide report history tracking and viewing in an upcoming release.
Copyright (c) 2004-2024 - The Cacti Group, Inc.