Useful set of tools that I find I need quite regularly in some of my astronomy analysis scripts.
Function to return the 2D polar coordinates from a pair of cartesian input arguments.
Calculate r and theta 2D polar coordinates assuming standard Euclidean geometry
with x,y input coordinates. Will always return a positive value of theta between
0 and 2pi. Can return values in degrees (default) or radians.
rec2pol(x, y, radians=False)
x -- x cartesian coordinate.
y -- y cartesian coordiante.
radians -- Boolean value: True to return theta in radians.
False to return theta in degrees.
Outputs: (r, theta)
r -- the distance from the origin of the point.
theta -- angle of point relative to the x-axis.
Function to return the spherical distance between two sets of longitude and latitiude points.
Calculate the spherical distance between two points for which longitude and
latitude are known. Can use values in degrees (default) or radians.
sphdist(long1, lat1, long2, lat2, radians=False)
long1 -- Longitude of position 1.
lat1 -- Latitude of position 1.
long2 -- Longitude of position 2.
lat2 -- Latitude of position 2.
radians -- Boolean value: True if inputs are in radians.
False if inputs are in degrees.
Outputs: theta
theta -- the spherical distance between the input points in degrees (default)
or in radians.
Function to convert an input value from one time type to another.
Convert times from one type to another. Options include:
JD -- Julian Date
MJD -- Modified Julian Date
IJD -- INTEGRAL Julian Date
MET -- Fermi Mission Elapsed Time
UTC -- Universal Time as year-month-dayThours:minutes:sec
must be given as a string e.g. '2001-10-01T12:30:34'
timeCon(t, inTime='MJD', outTime='MET')
t -- Input time
inTime -- Format of input time.
outTime -- Format of desired output time.
Outputs: (conTime)
conTime -- the requested time.
Function to convert a delimited sexagesimal RA frm HH:MM:SS to decimal degrees.
ra -- string in form HH:MM:SS
delimiter -- string indicating the delimiter e.g. :
returns the RA in decimal degrees
Function to convert a delimited sexagesimal Dec frm DD:MM:SS to decimal degrees.
dec -- string in form DD:MM:SS
delimiter -- string indicating the delimiter e.g. :
returns the Dec in decimal degrees
Class that holds a basic astronomical source data structure
Function to dump out all of the attributes of the source to screen
Source class based around the data that can be pulled from a SIMBAD query
source -- string containing the source name you want to query from SIMBAD.
Function that searches the SIMBAD service for basic info regarding a given source name.
Operates on the SIMBADsrc class instance which require a source name to be initialised
Updates the internal attributes of the SIMBADsrc class instance with the SIMBAD data
Function to perform a coordinate search around ra and dec with given radius using SIMBAD
ra -- region central right ascension.
dec -- ragion central declination.
rad -- radius of region to search in arcminutes: Default = 5
Returns a list of srcs in the region from nearest to central coords to furthest
Each row contains, source name, dist in arcsecs from centre, object type, ra, dec.