autosplitting for the flash versions of the Fireboy and Watergirl franchise
- download flashplayer_32_sa.exe aka "Flash Player Projector" from some archival site
- edit livesplit layout -> add -> control -> scriptable auto splitter, double click on scriptable auto splitter and set the script path to the included Autosplit-FaW.asl
- run the-forest-temple.swf in flashplayer_32_sa.exe
currently only faw 1, 2 and 3 are supported (feel free to find the pointer paths and submit a pull request)
- make sure your splits have "Game Name" set correctly, then reload the autospliter.
- make sure you're using the swfs from this repository.
- make sure you're using flash player projector (NOT DEBUGGER)
- make sure your flash player is named "flashplayer_32_sa" (excluding the .exe file extension)
if these steps havent worked, file an issue with as much detail as can be provided