This project consists of 3 different applications:
- Architecture Extraction:
- Can import and create a model from:
- traces from Jaeger and Zipkin
- a MiSim architecture
- Can create a generic architecture description of services and operation as a graph
- Can validate models and architecture
- Can perform an automated hazard analysis
- Can export a visualization of the architecture and the analysis
- Can import and create a model from:
- Conversational Interface:
- Provides a chatbot interface
- Guides a user through the elicitation of resilience scenarios
- Hazard Elicitation:
- Provides an import of the architecture visualization and analysis
- Provides a resilience scenario template and export
Have a look here on how to set up Django, DialogFlow, and Cloud Foundry.
For debugging details set DEBUG
in source/hazard_elicitation/
to True
python source/ runserver
The webserver will run at localhost on port 8000 by default. http://localhost:8000/ui
Make sure to set DEBUG
in source/hazard_elicitation/
to False
cd source
python makemigrations
python migrate --run-syncdb
python collectstatic --noinput
daphne -b -p 8000 hazard_elicitation.asgi:application
This runs a production ready asynchronous webserver at localhost on port 8000.
Build the container yourself:
docker build -t <container_name> .
Or retrieve the image from DockerHub:
Then run the container:
docker run -p 8000:8000 <container_name>
This runs the container at localhost on port 8000.