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CAUV Electronics tutorial

Author: Li Xi (xl404)

1. Contents

2. Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)

2.1. Overview

This repository serves as a guide to get you started with CAUV electronics. In this series of tutorials, you will first learn how to design useful real-life circuits with ICs (Integrated Circuits) and sensors. You will also learn how to use KiCad to design circuit schematics, PCBs(Printed Circuit Boards) and generate Gerbers for manufacturing the PCBs. This series will also provide guidance on how to navigate through the sometimes incomprehensible datasheets of the components that you will be using.

If you are an absolute beginner in electronics, ie. you only know fundamental theories like Ohm's law, then you can read the following The Basics section. Otherwise, feel free to skip to the next section on KiCad. However, you can, by all means, still read The Basics section to refresh your memory of the very basics of circuit design.

In this tutorial, you will build a prototype of a pressure sensor board from scratch. This board is used for testing purposes, but is actually ready to be installed into the actual vehicle. This board contains a pressure sensor, as the name implies, a micro-controller and a differential signal converter. More technical details are given further into this tutorial. The final design is available at the cauv-electronics/pressure_sensor folder in the repository. It is also available in this repository, together with the KiCad project at each of the steps below.

2.2. The Basics

Micro-controllers are used in circuits to communicate with sensors and other circuit components, such as other micro-controllers. Micro-controllers need to be programmed in order to function. Micro-controllers come in different packages. The most commonly used are surface mount packages which include closely packed pins and small package sizes. Pins on IC packages serve as connections between the silicon wafer within the package and the outside world, ie. other circuit components. All circuit componenets have a certain number of pins that must be connected to some other circuit components. Common ones include power pins, GPIO pins (General Purpose Input Ouput, which basically means the micro-controller can programmatically control the state of this pin), reset pins, etc. Even simple components like resistors have pins.

During the circuit design process, you will need to first design (or in most cases, look for them on the internet) schematic symbols for the components that you are using. Schematic symbols are schematic representations of the components on a 2D sheet of paper. While most of the time you will be able to find the schematic symbols of the componenets that you are using, it is important that you know how to create a new one entirely from scratch as from time to time, you will be working with legacy or niche components, especially since at CAUV, we might be using very niche parts. It is recomended that you try to create a simple and common component from scratch so that you can compare your result with the standard symbol. In the following section, you will find very helpful tutorials on how to do so.

After you have all the schematic symbols, or most of them as you can create them along the way, you will need to draw the schematic of the circuit. After that, you will need to look for footprints of each of the components that you have used. Component footprints are the drawings of how your component will look like and how it will be soldered onto the PCB. They should include things like pins, labels, component names, and etc. Again, it is vital that you know how to create a footprint from scratch and this is even more important as you will definitely come across components that have weird foorprints which cannot be found online. This is even more important than understanding how to draw schematic symbols because poorly drawn footprints will make it impossible to assemble your circuit because it is guaranteed that your component will not fit into the poorly drawn footprint. Again, the following section will direct you to good articles teaching how to learn it well.

Finally, after you have the footprints, you will need to associate each of the footprints with the components that you have used and import them onto the PCB. After that, you will need to properly arrange the components (represented as their footprints) and route the connections. PCB routing should be done by hand as the auto-router will sometimes create problems, especially when the circuit is very sensitive to interferance and signal distortion.

If you need to send the PCB to manufacturers, you will need to generate gerber files, which are basically instructions to tell manufacturers how to manufacture your PCB.

The link has more details on the basics of PCB design and you should read it if you have the time.

The following sections in this chapter are incomplete as of Nov 2017

2.3. Great KiCad Tutorials

3. Programming STM Microprocessors - Getting started

While the following section is intended for a Mac user, all of the packages are available for Linux and Windows as well.

3.1. Table of software and packages required

As of November 2017, the following software and packages are installed:

Name of the software / package Version Link to download (if available)
openOCD 0.10.0 download
Eclipse IDE Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a) download
GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain 5-2016-q3-update download
Zylin Embedded CDT 4.18.1 Download from Eclipse IDE
Eclipse CDT Multiple Download here and install in Eclipse
GNU ARM plugin Multiple Download from Eclipse IDE

3.2. Installing the IDEs and required packages on a Mac

Most of the instructions here are taken from here. In fact, this section serves as an updated version of the excellent post by davidrojas.

3.2.1. Eclipse IDE and required packages in Eclipse

Above all, grab a copy of the latest Eclipse at the link given above. Once downloaded and installed, launch it and go to Help > Install New Software.

First of all, we will install the GNU ARM plugin for Eclipse. Click on the Add... button next to the top dropdown, to add a new repository. Insert the location and click OK. The component “CDT GNU Cross Development Tools” will appear below. Select everything and install it.

Next, repeat the process to install the Zylin Embedded CDT plugin, necessary to debug and flash. Add the repository with the location and install the component “Zylin Embedded CDT”.

Finally, we will install the Eclipse CDT. The instructions were given by curtishx on element14. To install the aforementioned Eclipse CDT:

  • Download the CDT package Eclipse downloads - Select a mirror NOTE this is different from the CDT downloaded from Eclipse itself
  • Open up Eclipse:
  • Go to Help-> Install New Software
  • Click on Add-> Archive, and then selected the "" folder in my downloads directory, and hit OK.
  • Select all of the "CDT Main Features"
  • Select all of "CDT Option Features"
  • Install the selected features

3.2.2. Installing the GCC ARM toolchain

Next grab a copy of the toolchain.

Excellent explanantion from davidrojas:

The first thing you need is a toolchain. The GCC ARM is maintained by ARM employees, and is the best open source compiler you can find. It includes the debugger GDB. Download the mac installation tarball of the 4.7 series release and uncompress it in your home folder, no installation needed.

NOTE: You have to remember where you have placed this folder. I suggest, as mentioned below again, creating a dedicated cauv/stm_dev folder somewhere you can easily locate.

3.2.3. Installing and Configuring OpenOCD

Again, quoting the excellent explanation from davidrojas:

OpenOCD is an open on-chip debugger and progamming tool. It will communicate with gdb to debug and flash the board by using the stlinkv2 debugger. The easiest way to install it is using Homebrew, a pacakage manager for OS X similar to MacPorts or Fink. If you don’t use Homebrew already, follow the one-step installation instructions on its website. After that, open a Terminal and paste the following line:

brew install openocd --enable_ft2232_libftdi --enable_stlink

Once installed, you need a cauv.cfg file in a directory of your choice, but DO REMEMBER where you put this. You will need this many many many times. I suggest creating a dedicated cauv/stm_dev/ folder. Once you have that, just copy the following code into a file called cauv.cfg. This file can also be found in this repository as a standalone file.

  # cauv.cfg
  # Author: Li Xi (xl404)

  source [find interface/stlink-v2.cfg]
  transport select hla_swd
  source [find target/stm32f0x.cfg]
  reset_config srst_only srst_nogate

To be able to run OpenOCD inside Eclipse, you have to add it clicking in the menu Run > External Tools > External Tools Configuration…. Create a new item clicking in the New launch configuration icon and fill in the location, working directory and arguments as in the following image and click Apply. The working directory will be where you created the cauv.cfg file.

some image

Now comes the moment of truth. Connect the CAUV USB module to your computer via a debugger (either an STM discoery board or the ST-LINK v2 debugger) using the SWD interface (Check out the datasheet pinouts to figure out how to connect the jumper wires correctly). Once connected, hit Run and if you see something like this, then congrats openOCD works:

Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz
Info : clock speed 950 kHz
Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v27 API v2 SWIM v0 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748
Info : using stlink api v2
Info : Target voltage: 2.891005
Info : stm32f0x.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints

Every time you start Eclipse, you will need to start OpenOCD with Run > External Tools > OpenOCD. When you exit Eclipse, it will kill the OpenOCD daemon. If for some reason it is still running, paste in a Terminal the command killall openocd. If you fancy command line interface over GUI for some reason (like me), you can run the openOCD without configuring Eclipse at all by first getting into the directory where you created the cauv.cfg file and running the command openocd -f ./cauv.cfg to launch openOCD. NOTE that it is vital that your OpenOCD can run properly before proceeding as it IS the only way by which your computer communicates with the STM chip. If you get it running, congratulations! You have gotten the most difficult task under your control!

3.2.4. Creating and configuring the helloWorld project

To create a new project, click File > New > C Project and select STM32F0xx C/C++ Project -> Cross ARM GCC as shown in the image below:

new project

Then click next and enter the details exactly as shown. This must be entered correctly for the device that you are working on or else mysterious memory error will occur.

Device config

Then click Next several times, leaving the default options, until you reach the last step, where you select the toolchain name and path, as you can see in the image. You will have to browse for the path of the bin folder where you installed the GCC ARM Toolchain. See the example below to have a rough idea.

Toolchain config

Finally, click finish to create the project. Go to /include/BlinkLed.hto change the port and pin numbers to correspond to the LED on the CAUV PCB. Change both BLINK_PORT_NUMBER and BLINK_PIN_NUMBER to 0 as shown below.

Port config

Next, save the file and build the project by clicking Project -> Build Project and the build process should proceed smoothly without error. Now that the project is built, the only thing left is the add a Debug Configuration.

3.2.5. Creating a Debug Configuration

Click on Run > Debug Configurations… and double-click on Zylin Embedded debug (Native). On the “Debugger” tab, click on the GDB debugger field and browse to select the gdb executable of the GCC ARM toolchain. It will be something like PATH_TO_GCC/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb.

debug config

Finally, go to the “Commands” tab and paste this in the ‘Initialize’ commands box:

target extended-remote localhost:3333
monitor arm semihosting enable
monitor reset init
monitor reset halt

initialise config

And now you are all good to go. Before getting too excited, click Apply and Debug. The debugging session will start, Eclipse will switch to the Debug perspective and the program will be downloaded to flash. Then, when you click on the Resume (F8) icon, the program will start executing, stopping at main. Clicking again on Resume will continue the execution. If everything is configured correctly, you will see the LED flashing on your board. You can pause/stop the execution, set breakpoints and watch variables and registers.

Congratulations! You are now all set up to properly programme the STM32 on CAUV PCB. Happy coding!

3.2.6. Creating a Release Run Configuration

The debug configuration is useful for debugging but it will not work if the circuit is not connected to a debugger. If you need the programme to run on startup and to run without connecting to a debugger, you need a Release Run Configuration.

First of all, build the project Release Configuration by setting the active build configuration. Click on Project > Build Configurations > Set Active and select 2 Release. Then build the project. You should now see a Release folder in your project. Check that there is a file named helloWorld.elf, or - if your project has a different name - yourProjectName.elf. Remember the name of this file.

Click on Run > Run Configurations… and double-click GDB OpenOCD Debugging. The following window will appear and enter the correct path under C/C++ Application. This is the path to the binary that is built using the Release Configuration above. In my case, it is Release/helloWorld.elf as shown in the figure below.

run config

Finally, click Run and the debugger will flash the binary file onto the chip.

PS: In fact, the binary file is the .hex file in the Release folder. When you Run the above Run Configuration, the .hex file is the file that is flashed into the chip. If you want to share the binary for some reason, you should share the .hex file. This file can be manually flashed into the chip via many different methods. For instance, this can be done with openocd.

3.3. References

3.4. Useful Links

4. Programming STM Microprocessors - Going further

4.1. Cortex M Libraries and Operating Systems