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Add routines to calculate majorant also with ures on
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V. Raffuzzi(vr339) committed Feb 5, 2024
1 parent efca20d commit 04a3774
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Showing 8 changed files with 234 additions and 60 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -223,6 +223,15 @@ subroutine test_aceNeutronDatabase()
p % E = 19.9_defReal
@assertEqual(ONE, data % getMajorantXS(p)/0.21869599644_defReal , TOL)

! Check that results are the same with on-the-fly majorant
data % hasMajorant = .false.

p % E = 1.1E-6_defReal
@assertEqual(ONE, data % getMajorantXS(p) /4.4149556129495560_defReal , TOL)

p % E = 19.9_defReal
@assertEqual(ONE, data % getMajorantXS(p)/0.21869599644_defReal , TOL)

! Test getting Macroscopic XSs
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ subroutine test_thermalScatteringData()
! Initialise data
ptr => data
call data % init(dataDict, ptr, silent = .true.)
call data % activate(([1,2]))
call data % activate(([1,2]), silent = .true.)

!! Perform tests
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ subroutine test_urrProbabilityTables()
! Initialise data
ptr => data
call data % init(dataDict, ptr, silent = .true.)
call data % activate([1])
call data % activate([1], silent = .true.)

!! Perform tests
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188 changes: 147 additions & 41 deletions NuclearData/ceNeutronData/aceDatabase/aceNeutronDatabase_class.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,9 +52,6 @@ module aceNeutronDatabase_class
!! It's possible to use probability tables in the unresolved resonance range if
!! ures is included in the input file
!! NOTE: the unionised majorant is not calculated and used if probability tables
!! are on
!! Sample input:
!! nuclearData {
!! handles {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,8 +109,8 @@ module aceNeutronDatabase_class
procedure :: getScattMicroMajXS

! class Procedures
procedure :: init_urr
procedure :: init_DBRC
procedure :: initUrr
procedure :: initDBRC
procedure :: initMajorant

end type aceNeutronDatabase
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,16 +443,18 @@ subroutine updateTotalNucXS(self, E, nucIdx, rand)
! Check if the nuclide needs ures probability tables at this energy
nucCache % needsUrr = (nuc % hasProbTab .and. E >= nuc % urrE(1) .and. E <= nuc % urrE(2))
! Check if the nuclide needs S(a,b) at this energy
nucCache % needsSabEl = (nuc % hasThData .and. E >= nuc % SabEl(1) .and. E < nuc % SabEl(2))
nucCache % needsSabInel = (nuc % hasThData .and. E >= nuc % SabInel(1) .and. E < nuc % SabInel(2))
nucCache % needsSabEl = (nuc % hasThData .and. E >= nuc % SabEl(1) .and. E <= nuc % SabEl(2))
nucCache % needsSabInel = (nuc % hasThData .and. E >= nuc % SabInel(1) .and. E <= nuc % SabInel(2))
needsSab = (nucCache % needsSabEl .or. nucCache % needsSabInel)

if (nucCache % needsUrr .or. needsSab) then
call self % updateMicroXSs(E, nucIdx, rand)

nucCache % E_tot = E
call nuc % search(nucCache % idx, nucCache % f, E)
nucCache % xss % total = nuc % totalXS(nucCache % idx, nucCache % f)

end if

end associate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,17 +488,23 @@ subroutine updateMicroXSs(self, E, nucIdx, rand)
! Check if probability tables should be read
if (nucCache % needsUrr) then
associate(zaidCache => cache_zaidCache(self % nucToZaid(nucIdx)))

if (zaidCache % E /= E) then
! Save random number for temperature correlation
zaidCache % xi = rand % get()
zaidCache % E = E
end if

call nuc % getUrrXSs(nucCache % xss, nucCache % idx, nucCache % f, E, zaidCache % xi)

end associate

elseif (nucCache % needsSabEl .or. nucCache % needsSabInel) then
call nuc % getThXSs(nucCache % xss, nucCache % idx, nucCache % f, E)

call nuc % microXSs(nucCache % xss, nucCache % idx, nucCache % f)

end if

end associate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -642,11 +647,11 @@ subroutine init(self, dict, ptr, silent )
! Initialise S(alpha,beta) tables
if (idx /= 0 ) then
call new_moderACE(ACE_Sab, name_file)
call self % nuclides(nucIdx) % init_Sab(ACE_Sab)
call self % nuclides(nucIdx) % initSab(ACE_Sab)
end if

! Initialise probability tables
if (self % hasUrr) call self % nuclides(nucIdx) % init_urr(ACE)
if (self % hasUrr) call self % nuclides(nucIdx) % initUrr(ACE)

! Store nucIdx in the dictionary
call nucSet % atSet(nucIdx, i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -697,12 +702,12 @@ subroutine init(self, dict, ptr, silent )

! If on, initialise probability tables for ures
if (self % hasUrr) then
call self % init_urr()
call self % initUrr()
end if

! If on, initialise DBRC
if (self % hasDBRC) then
call self % init_DBRC(nucDBRC, nucSet, self % mapDBRCnuc)
call self % initDBRC(nucDBRC, nucSet, self % mapDBRCnuc)
end if

!! Clean up
Expand All @@ -716,7 +721,7 @@ end subroutine init
!! NOTE: compares the first 5 letters of the ZAID.TT. It would be wrong with isotopes
!! with Z > 99
subroutine init_urr(self)
subroutine initUrr(self)
class(aceNeutronDatabase), intent(inout) :: self
integer(shortInt) :: i, j
character(nameLen) :: zaid
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -747,12 +752,12 @@ subroutine init_urr(self)
end if
end do

end subroutine init_urr
end subroutine initUrr

!! Checks through all nuclides, creates map with nuclides present and corresponding 0K nuclide
subroutine init_DBRC(self, nucDBRC, nucSet, map)
subroutine initDBRC(self, nucDBRC, nucSet, map)
class(aceNeutronDatabase), intent(inout) :: self
character(nameLen), dimension(:), intent(in) :: nucDBRC
type(charMap), intent(in) :: nucSet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -796,7 +801,7 @@ subroutine init_DBRC(self, nucDBRC, nucSet, map)

end do

end subroutine init_DBRC
end subroutine initDBRC

!! Activate this nuclearDatabase
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -830,23 +835,8 @@ subroutine activate(self, activeMat, silent)
loud = .true.
end if

! Check if probability tables are on
if (self % hasUrr) then

! Switch off majorant
self % hasMajorant = .false.

if (loud) then
print '(A)', 'Unionised majorant cross section will not be contructed &
& due to the use of URR probability tables treatment'
end if


! Precompute majorant cross section
call self % initMajorant(loud)

end if
! Precompute majorant cross section
call self % initMajorant(loud)

end if

Expand All @@ -861,11 +851,15 @@ subroutine initMajorant(self, loud)
class(aceNeutronDatabase), intent(inout) :: self
logical(defBool), intent(in) :: loud
real(defReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: tmpGrid
integer(shortInt) :: i, j, matIdx, nNuc, nucIdx, isDone, &
sizeGrid, eIdx, nucIdxLast, eIdxLast
integer(shortInt) :: i, j, k, matIdx, nNuc, nucIdx, isDone, &
sizeGrid, eIdx, nucIdxLast, eIdxLast, &
type(intMap) :: nucSet
real(defReal) :: eRef, eNuc, E, maj
real(defReal) :: eRef, eNuc, E, maj, total, dens, urrMaj, &
nucXS, f, eMax, eMin
logical(defBool) :: needsUrr
integer(shortInt), parameter :: IN_SET = 1, NOT_PRESENT = 0
real(defReal), parameter :: NUDGE = 1.0e-06_defReal

! Find the size of the unionised energy grid (with duplicates)
! Initialise size
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -894,6 +888,11 @@ subroutine initMajorant(self, loud)
! Update energy grid size
sizeGrid = sizeGrid + size(self % nuclides(nucIdx) % eGrid)

! If URR probability tables or S(a,b) tables are used, add their energy
! boundary values to the grid to minimise interpolation errors
if (self % nuclides(nucIdx) % hasProbTab) sizeGrid = sizeGrid + 2
if (self % nuclides(nucIdx) % hasThData) sizeGrid = sizeGrid + 3

end if

end do
Expand All @@ -904,7 +903,8 @@ subroutine initMajorant(self, loud)
tmpGrid = self % EBounds(2)

! Loop over the energy grid
do i = 1, sizeGrid
i = 1
do while (i < sizeGrid)

! Loop over all nuclides in the set - here the value of the intMap is used as an energy index
j = nucSet % begin()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -944,6 +944,76 @@ subroutine initMajorant(self, loud)
! Increment the energy index saved in the intMap for the nuclides whose energy was added
call nucSet % add(nucIdxLast, eIdxLast + 1)

! Loop over all nuclides again to add S(a,b) and ures energy boundaries to grid
j = nucSet % begin()
do while (j /= nucSet % end())

! Retrieve energy in the grid and nuclide information
eMin = tmpGrid(i - 1)
eMax = tmpGrid(i)
nucIdx = nucSet % atKey(j)

! Check for URR probability tables
if (self % nuclides(nucIdx) % hasProbTab) then

! Lower energy boundary
E = self % nuclides(nucIdx) % urrE(1)
if (E >= eMin .and. E < eMax) then
tmpGrid(i) = E
tmpGrid(i + 1) = eMax
! Update counter
i = i + 1
end if

! Upper energy boundary
E = self % nuclides(nucIdx) % urrE(2)
if (E >= eMin .and. E < eMax) then
tmpGrid(i) = E
tmpGrid(i + 1) = eMax
! Update counter
i = i + 1
end if

end if

! Check for Sab tables
if (self % nuclides(nucIdx) % hasThData) then

! Elastic upper energy boundary (NOTE: lower boundary is fixed)
E = self % nuclides(nucIdx) % SabEl(2)
if (E >= eMin .and. E < eMax ) then
tmpGrid(i) = E
tmpGrid(i + 1) = eMax
! Update counter
i = i + 1
end if

! Inelastic lower energy boundary
E = self % nuclides(nucIdx) % SabInel(1)
if (E >= eMin .and. E < eMax ) then
tmpGrid(i) = E
tmpGrid(i + 1) = eMax
! Update counter
i = i + 1
end if

! Inelastic upper energy boundary
E = self % nuclides(nucIdx) % SabInel(2)
if (E >= eMin .and. E < eMax ) then
tmpGrid(i) = E
tmpGrid(i + 1) = eMax
! Update counter
i = i + 1
end if

end if

j = nucSet % next(j)

end do

i = i + 1

end do

! Save final grid and remove duplicates
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -974,15 +1044,51 @@ subroutine initMajorant(self, loud)

! Get material index
matIdx = self % activeMat(j)
total = ZERO

! Loop over nuclides
do k = 1, size(self % materials(matIdx) % nuclides)
dens = self % materials(matIdx) % dens(k)
nucIdx = self % materials(matIdx) % nuclides(k)

associate (nuc => self % nuclides(nucIdx))

needsUrr = (nuc % hasProbTab .and. E >= nuc % urrE(1) .and. E <= nuc % urrE(2))

! Check if present nuclide uses URR tabes
if (needsUrr) then

! Find maximum URR table total XS
urrIdx = binarySearch(nuc % probTab % eGrid, E)
urrMaj = nuc % probTab % majorant(urrIdx)

! Check if URR tables contain xs or multiplicative factor
if (nuc % IFF == 1) then
call nuc % search(eIdx, f, E)
nucXS = nuc % totalXS(eIdx, f) * urrMaj
nucXS = urrMaj
end if

call self % updateTotalNucXS(E, nucIdx)
nucXS = cache_nuclideCache(nucIdx) % xss % total

end if

end associate

! Update total material cross section
total = total + dens * nucXS

end do

! Calculate current material cross section and compare
call self % updateTotalMatXS(E, matIdx)
maj = max(maj, cache_materialCache(matIdx) % xss % total)
maj = max(maj, total)

end do

! Save majorant for this energy
self % majorant(i) = maj
! Save majorant for this energy. Nudge it up to avoid small discrepancies
self % majorant(i) = maj * (ONE + NUDGE)

end do

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