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Create Python examples with units
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These examples use the units module to implement the existing examples,
but demonstrate how alternative units can be used for the input and
output quantities.
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hallaali authored and bryanwweber committed Apr 20, 2021
1 parent 88fb4b2 commit 25cb8c9
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Showing 4 changed files with 205 additions and 2 deletions.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions interfaces/cython/cantera/examples/thermo/
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Isentropic, adiabatic flow example - calculate area ratio vs. Mach number curve
Requires: cantera >= 2.5.0, matplotlib >= 2.0

import cantera.units as ct
import math
import numpy as np
ct.units.default_format = ".2F~P"
label_string = "area ratio\tMach number\ttemperature\tpressure ratio"
output_string = "{0:.2E~P}\t{1} {2}\t{3:.2E~P}"

def soundspeed(gas):
"""The speed of sound. Assumes an ideal gas."""

gamma = gas.cp /
return np.sqrt(gamma * ct.units.molar_gas_constant
* gas.T / gas.mean_molecular_weight).to("m/s")

def isentropic(gas=None):
In this example, the area ratio vs. Mach number curve is computed. If a gas
object is supplied, it will be used for the calculations, with the
stagnation state given by the input gas state. Otherwise, the calculations
will be done for a 10:1 hydrogen/nitrogen mixture with stagnation T0 = 1700.33
degrees Fahrenheit, P0 = 10 atm.
if gas is None:
gas = ct.Solution('gri30.yaml')
gas.TPX = 2160 * ct.units.degR, 10.0 * ct.units.atm, 'H2:1,N2:0.1'

# get the stagnation state parameters
s0 = gas.s
h0 = gas.h
p0 = gas.P

mdot = 1 * / ct.units.s # arbitrary
amin = 1.e14 * ct.units.m**2

data = []

# compute values for a range of pressure ratios
p_range = np.logspace(-3, 0, 200) * p0
for p in p_range:

# set the state using (p,s0)
gas.SP = s0, p

v = np.sqrt(2.0*(h0 - gas.h)).to("m/s") # h + V^2/2 = h0
area = mdot/(gas.density*v) # rho*v*A = constant
amin = min(amin, area)
data.append([area, v/soundspeed(gas), gas.T, p/p0])

return data, amin

if __name__ == "__main__":
data, amin = isentropic()
for row in data:
print(output_string.format(row[0] / amin, row[1], row[2], row[3]))
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions interfaces/cython/cantera/examples/thermo/
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
A Rankine vapor power cycle
Requires: Cantera >= 2.5.0

import cantera.units as ct

# parameters
eta_pump = 0.6 * ct.units.dimensionless # pump isentropic efficiency
eta_turbine = 0.8 * ct.units.dimensionless # turbine isentropic efficiency
p_max = 116.03 * ct.units.psi # maximum pressure

def pump(fluid, p_final, eta):
"""Adiabatically pump a fluid to pressure p_final, using
a pump with isentropic efficiency eta."""
h0 = fluid.h
s0 = fluid.s
fluid.SP = s0, p_final
h1s = fluid.h
isentropic_work = h1s - h0
actual_work = isentropic_work / eta
h1 = h0 + actual_work
fluid.HP = h1, p_final
return actual_work

def expand(fluid, p_final, eta):
"""Adiabatically expand a fluid to pressure p_final, using
a turbine with isentropic efficiency eta."""
h0 = fluid.h
s0 = fluid.s
fluid.SP =s0, p_final
h1s = fluid.h
isentropic_work = h0 - h1s
actual_work = isentropic_work * eta
h1 = h0 - actual_work
fluid.HP = h1, p_final
return actual_work

def printState(n, fluid):
print('\n***************** State {0} ******************'.format(n))

if __name__ == '__main__':
# create an object representing water
w = ct.Water()

# start with saturated liquid water at 80.33 degrees Fahrenheit
w.TQ = 540 * ct.units.degR, 0.0 * ct.units.dimensionless
h1 = w.h
p1 = w.P
printState(1, w)

# pump it adiabatically to p_max
pump_work = pump(w, p_max, eta_pump)
h2 = w.h
printState(2, w)

# heat it at constant pressure until it reaches the saturated vapor state
# at this pressure
w.PQ = p_max, 1.0 * ct.units.dimensionless
h3 = w.h
heat_added = h3 - h2
printState(3, w)

# expand back to p1
turbine_work = expand(w, p1, eta_turbine)
printState(4, w)

# efficiency
eff = (turbine_work - pump_work)/heat_added

print('efficiency = ', eff)
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions interfaces/cython/cantera/examples/thermo/
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@

import cantera as ct
import math
import numpy as np

def equilSoundSpeeds(gas, rtol=1.0e-6, max_iter=5000):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ def equilSoundSpeeds(gas, rtol=1.0e-6, max_iter=5000):
if __name__ == "__main__":
gas = ct.Solution('gri30.yaml')
gas.X = 'CH4:1.00, O2:2.0, N2:7.52'
for n in range(27):
T = 300.0 + 100.0 * n
T_range = np.linspace(300, 2900, 27)
for T in T_range:
gas.TP = T, ct.one_atm
print(T, equilSoundSpeeds(gas))
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions interfaces/cython/cantera/examples/thermo/
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
Compute the "equilibrium" and "frozen" sound speeds for a gas
Requires: cantera >= 2.5.0

import cantera.units as ct
import numpy as np
import math

ct.units.default_format = ".2F~P"

def equilSoundSpeeds(gas, rtol=1.0e-6, max_iter=5000):
Returns a tuple containing the equilibrium and frozen sound speeds for a
gas with an equilibrium composition. The gas is first set to an
equilibrium state at the temperature and pressure of the gas, since
otherwise the equilibrium sound speed is not defined.

# set the gas to equilibrium at its current T and P
gas.equilibrate('TP', rtol=rtol, max_iter=max_iter)

# save properties
s0 = gas.s
p0 = gas.P
r0 = gas.density

# perturb the pressure
p1 = p0*1.0001

# set the gas to a state with the same entropy and composition but
# the perturbed pressure
gas.SP = s0, p1

# frozen sound speed
afrozen = np.sqrt((p1 - p0)/(gas.density - r0)).to("ft/s")

# now equilibrate the gas holding S and P constant
gas.equilibrate('SP', rtol=rtol, max_iter=max_iter)

# equilibrium sound speed
aequil = np.sqrt((p1 - p0)/(gas.density - r0)).to("ft/s")

# compute the frozen sound speed using the ideal gas expression as a check
gamma = gas.cp/
afrozen2 = np.sqrt(gamma * ct.units.molar_gas_constant * gas.T /

return aequil, afrozen, afrozen2

# test program
if __name__ == "__main__":
gas = ct.Solution('gri30.yaml')
gas.X = 'CH4:1.00, O2:2.0, N2:7.52'
T_range = np.linspace(80.33, 4760.33, 50) * ct.units.degF
print("Temperature Equilibrium Sound Speed Frozen Sound Speed Frozen Sound Speed Check")
for T in T_range:
gas.TP = T, 1.0 * ct.units.atm
print(T, *equilSoundSpeeds(gas), sep = " ")

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