A scrapper the for Spar online shop, which scrapes basic information about the products.
For the application to run, there must be a Spar.xlsx
file present in the current directory. The scrapper reads the file, and takes the first column as the column with the
product ids. These products are parsed and saved into a file spar_produkti.xlsx
docker build -t spar-scrapper .
This command binds the current volume to the application. This is needed because the Spar.xlsx file must be present in this folder, for the scraper to be able to read which products to visit. v
docker run -it -v ${PWD}/spar_excel:/app/spar_excel spar-scrapper
You can manually set the pause between requests, the default wait time between is 1seconds (60 requests / minute)
docker run -it -v ${PWD}/spar_excel:/app/spar_excel -e REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE=30 spar-scrapper
npm install
nest build
nest start
Author: David Rudman, dvd.rudman@gmail.com