Python couse 3 mandatory 2 assignment
Game Of Life: Gosper glider gun:
In 1970 the British Mathematician John Conway created his "Game of Life" -- a set of rules that mimics the chaotic yet patterned growth of a colony of biological organisms. The "game" takes place on a two-dimensional grid consisting of "living" and "dead" cells, and the rules to step from generation to generation are simple:
- Overpopulation: if a living cell is surrounded by more than three living cells, it dies.
- Stasis: if a living cell is surrounded by two or three living cells, it survives.
- Underpopulation: if a living cell is surrounded by fewer than two living cells, it dies.
- Reproduction: if a dead cell is surrounded by exactly three cells, it becomes a live cell.
By enforcing these rules in sequential steps, beautiful and unexpected patterns can appear.
As our mandatory 2/exam project we ware able to choose between four projects:
- Game of Life
- Chat System
- Web-based BBS System
- QR-Code Generator
In all projects there are some common requirements:
- Write Pythonic code using the concepts from this course
- Demonstrate correctness using tests, document code coverage
- Separate configuration from implementation
- Apply the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself)
I have chosen Game of Life and will be using PyQt5 as my GUI framework library.
Objective of project: Implement a GUI-based Game of Life.
- The project must implement a GUI for the user
- Game grid is 100 x 100
- Support for at least two rule sets
- Support for default, random, and user dened initial state
- Configurable speed, and step-by-step progression
- Able to click anywhere on the canvas and it will toggle the pixel white or black.
- Generate random pattern.
- Clear/reset canvas.
- Save a pattern/canvas with a name for reuse or display.
- Auto play the game and pause auto play, and able to take one step at the time
- Choose new rules for the cells by choosing when dead cells become alive and when live cells live on.
- Change how often the canvas updates.
- Click saved patterns/canvas to reinstantiate
- Choose a rule from a rule set
- Save a rule
I create a 2d array[100][100] that contains booleans where true is a live cell. Then I use create a QImage based on this array with black pixels being live cells, then I scale the image up by 7 so the image becomes 700x700px, this is so you easily can see whats going on.
Image comparison:
Scale | No scale |
The window is separated in 3 column; Canvas | Buttons | saved canvas