Workbench to administer an on premise installation of Carbon LDP
Install dependencies
Install project dependencies:
npm install
Start the application by executing:
npm start
Note: You may need to change the Carbon LDP's instance configuration inside
defines six tasks:
: Builds the source code outputting it indist/app
: Builds the architecture's documentation filese2e
: Runs end-to-end testslint
: Scans the source code for bad practices, infractions to code conventions, etc.start
: Runs a development server serving the current source codetest
: Runs unit tests
├── .idea # WebStorm shared configuration files (like code style)
├── dist # Distribution files
├── docs # Developer documentation
├── e2e # end-to-end tests
├── node_modules # npm dependencies (don't touch them)
├── scripts # Scripts run by the application
│ └── # SHELL script that replaces makes environment variables accessible to the application
├── server # HTTP server related files
│ └── nginx.conf # Configuration file for nginx server inside the docker image
├── src # Source code
│ ├── app # Source files for the Angular application
│ ├── assets # Any asset (image, json, etc.)
│ │ ├── images # Images
| │ ├── android-chrome-192x192.html # SD icon to display in Android/Chrome (PWA)
| │ ├── android-chrome-512x512.html # HD icon to display in Android/Chrome (PWA)
| │ ├── apple-touch-icon.html # Icon to display in iOS devices
| │ ├── browserconfig.xml # File used by IE11 to create a tile for the site
| │ ├── favicon.ico # .ico favicon
| │ ├── favicon-16x16.png # SD .png favicon
| │ ├── favicon-32x32.png # HD .png favicon
| │ ├── mstile-70x70.png # Icon for Microsoft products
| │ ├── safari-pinned-tab.svg # SVG to show on Safari pinned tabs
| │ └── site.webmanifest # PWA manifest
│ ├── index.html # Entry point for the app
│ ├── main.ts # Entry file of angular. Bootstrap the main angular module
│ ├── polyfills.ts # Imports all the required polyfills
│ └── styles.scss # Main style file for the application
├── typings # Custom TypeScript description files
│ ├── custom.codemirror
│ │ └── index.d.ts # Codemirror's description file
│ ├── custom.highlightjs
│ │ └── index.d.ts # HighlightJS's description file
│ ├── custom.jstree
│ │ └── index.d.ts # JSTree's description file
│ └── custom.semantic-ui
│ └── index.d.ts # Semantic-UI's description file
├── .dockerignore # Tells Docker which files to ignore when building the Docker image
├── .editorconfig # Multiple IDE-compatible configuration file to standarize major code style rules (tabs vs spaces, etc.)
├── .gitignore # Ignore file for git
├── .nvm # Specifies the supported Node.js version (used by nvm, see: `nvm use`)
├── angular.json # Angular CLI configuration file
├── CHANGELOG # File to track package changes
├── Dockerfile # File to build the docker image for deployment
├── ngsw-config.json # Angular CLI PWA configuration file
├── package.json # npm configuration file
├── package-lock.json # npm configuration file
├── # this
├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript compiler configuration file
└── tslint.json # TSLint configuration file that specifies rules to lint TypeScript files
To generate the Docker image of the Workbench, do the following:
The workbench's Docker image can be built with a command like:
docker build --tag carbonldp/carbonldp-workbench:{TAG} .
See Docker's documentation for more information.
Copyright (c) 2015-present, Base22 Technology Group, LLC.
All rights reserved.
This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.