is a Lua plugin for Neovim that helps manage breakpoints,
create advanced breakpoints using vim.ui.input, and display breakpoint
properties as virtual text with nvim-dap.
- Neovim >= 0.10
- nvim-dap
- persistent-breakpoints.nvim
- dressing.nvim (optional)
- nvim-notify (optional)
-- default config
breakpoint = {
auto_load = true, -- auto load breakpoints on 'BufReadPost'
auto_save = true, -- auto save breakpoints when make changes to breakpoints
auto_reveal_popup = true, -- auto show pop up property when navigate to next/prev breakpoint
virtual_text = {
enabled = true,
priority = 10,
current_line_only = false,
layout = {
position = 121, ---@type "eol" | "right_align" | integer
-- can be "eol", "right_align", or a fixed number (>= 1) for starting column
spaces = 4, -- spaces between code and virtual text, only for position = "eol"
-- their is at least one space between code and virtual text in neovim
prefix = {
normal = "",
log_point = " ",
conditional = " ",
hit_condition = " ",
custom_text_handler = nil, ---@type nil | fun(target: Breakpoint): string
Toggle breakpoint at current line.
Go to the next breakpoint in buffer.
Go to the previous breakpoint in buffer.
Reveal popup info about current breakpoint's properties.
Load saved breakpoints in current opened buffers by using persistent-breakpoints.nvim.
Set breakpoint.auto_load
to true
to load breakpoints automatically on BufReadPost
Save all breakpoints in buffers using persistent-breakpoints.nvim.
Set breakpoint.auto_save
to true
to save breakpoints automatically on changes.
Edit log point message or breakpoint condition for current breakpoint.
Set log point at current line using vim.ui.input.
Set conditional breakpoint at current line using vim.ui.input.
Set hit condition breakpoint at current line using vim.ui.input.
Clear all breakpoints in buffers.
Show virtual text information about breakpoints.
Clear virtual text information about breakpoints.
Toggle virtual text information about breakpoints.
-- add below to your neovim configuration
local dapbp_api = require("dap-breakpoints.api")
local dapbp_keymaps = {
{ key = "<leader>b", api = dapbp_api.toggle_breakpoint, desc = "Toggle Breakpoint" },
{ key = "<leader>dtc", api = dapbp_api.set_conditional_breakpoint, desc = "Set Conditional Breakpoint" },
{ key = "<leader>dth", api = dapbp_api.set_hit_condition_breakpoint, desc = "Set Hit Condition Breakpoint" },
{ key = "<leader>dtl", api = dapbp_api.set_log_point, desc = "Set Log Point" },
{ key = "<leader>dtL", api = function() dapbp_api.load_breakpoints({ notify = true }) end, desc = "Load Breakpoints" },
{ key = "<leader>dts", api = function() dapbp_api.save_breakpoints({ notify = true }) end, desc = "Save Breakpoints" },
{ key = "<leader>dte", api = dapbp_api.edit_property, desc = "Edit Breakpoint Property" },
{ key = "<leader>dtv", api = dapbp_api.toggle_virtual_text, desc = "Toggle Breakpoint Virtual Text" },
{ key = "<leader>dtC", api = dapbp_api.clear_all_breakpoints, desc = "Clear All Breakpoints" },
{ key = "[b", api = dapbp_api.go_to_previous, desc = "Go to Previous Breakpoint" },
{ key = "]b", api = dapbp_api.go_to_next, desc = "Go to Next Breakpoint" },
{ key = "<M-b>", api = dapbp_api.popup_reveal, desc = "Reveal Breakpoint" },
for _, keymap in ipairs(dapbp_keymaps) do
vim.keymap.set("n", keymap.key, keymap.api, { desc = keymap.desc })