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WebSocket Commands

Elias Hawa edited this page Aug 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

The ground-station backend supports a set of commands that can be executed via the WebSockerHandler or ground-station-ui web interfaces. These commands are listed below and are categorized based on the process they affect. The full syntax for each command will be listed within their respective categories.

Main commands

These commands are processed by the main process and require no prefix

  • shutdown - Shuts down the ground-station backend

SerialManager commands

These commands are processed by the SerialManager process and begin with the string "serial"

General commands

  • serial update - Updates the list of available serial ports that the SerialManager process can interact with

rn2483 radio commands

  • serial rn2483_radio connect <port> - Connect to serial port <port>. If <port> is the string "test", an instance of SerialRN2483Emulator is spawned to emulate a serial port connection. If a connection is already established, SerialManager will log that it is already connected
  • serial rn2483_radio disconnect - Terminates any active connection if one exists. If no connection exists SerialManager will warn that it is already disconnected

Telemetry commands

These commands are processed by the Telemetry process and begin with the string "telemetry"

General commands

  • telemetry update - Updates the list of missions in the Telemetry process' internal list. NOTE: Mission files should be placed in the missions directory and end in .mission

Replay commands

  • telemetry replay play <mission file name> - Starts a replay of the mission file with the file name <mission file name>.mission
  • telemetry replay pause - Pauses the currently running mission replay (sets replay speed to 0)
  • telemetry replay resume - Resumes the currently running mission replay (sets replay speed to last played speed)
  • telemetry replay speed <speed> - Sets speed of currently running mission replay (speed should be a float value) (not currently working)
  • telemetry replay stop - Stops the currently running mission replay

Recording commands

These commands are not currently implemented

  • telemetry record start <mission file name> - Starts recording incoming data into a file with the name <mission file name>.mission
  • telemetry record stop - Stops recording incoming data