Hello! I'm a web developer with a passion for front-end development and design. I aspire toward a career that will allow me to channel my creativity through creating software and engaging experiences.
- 👀 I’m always interested in learning new skills. I have many hobbies but my favorite has to be coding!
- 🌱 I'm a big fan of Frontend Mentor. Love both working on their challenges and giving feedback to others. You can find at Frontend Mentor: @Carlos-A-P
- ⚡ I’m looking forward to collaborate on some fun projects to exhilerate my coding career!
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn: Carlos Perez, Twitter: @WDCarlosP, Email: perezca4791@gmail.com
- 🙂 Feel free to check out my work over at my portfolio!
Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries
Version Control