2014 ; 2015 - Various freelance experiences as volunteer work.
2016 - Technical Lead for a company at LothosGen.
2017 ; 2020 - Community driven practices, create small projects for others to use for their daily routine.
2021 ; 2/2024 - Head of Streaming Technology used by a private company.
Studying at a State & Federal recognized program. For privacy reasons let it be unnamed.
C# ; WinForms | XAML | Blazor | MAUI | Xamarin | WPF | UWP | Discord.NET | SharpDX
Java ; Spigot | Swing | JDBC(Java Database Connectivity) | JDA(Java Discord API)
PHP ; Jikan | MySQLi | Curl
JavaScript ; Vue | Node | Plyr
Python ; YOLOv8 | Presentation | BeautifulSoup | Discord.py
Lua ; Love2d | Aimware
C++ ; Dear ImGui | DirectX | Windows API Hooking and DLL Injection
Cloud ; Google | Oracle | Azure
IDA PRO | HxD | Ghidra | dnSpy | Unity | Visual Studio | Git
Reverse Engineering, Game Development, Automation, fascinated by creating things from scratch! I love low-level programming, and analyzing it such as the assembly code.
8/7/2024 ; Intro to Blazor - Indy .NET Consortium | Indianapolis, Indiana