We have the server and client in one repository for ease of uploading to git & heroku.
This project centres around marijuana strains and their relative effects. Visitors have the ability to:
• Register • Login • Search for Strains • added functionality to come in due course...
On either system, Mac, Windows, you need to go to this strains website where we got our API from and click 'get a key'. Copy the key you received.
Navigate to the folder through terminal and type:
$ mongod
Open a new terminal tab, in the same directory, type the following: $ npm run-script heroku-postbuild $ EVANBUSSE_APIKEY={YOUR KEY FROM http://strains.evanbusse.com/} npm start
This begins the server and generates dist file.
Open a new tab in the same directory and type the following to open on localhost:4200:
$ ng serve
Start server on windows, don't forget to "SET EVANBUSSE_APIKEY=$$" to set the api key replacing $$ with the actual api key before doing npm start.
Search for a strain contain letter b