A collection of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for blockchain security researcher.
- Author: xxxeyJ
- Blog: tricksongs.com
- Email: xxx3yJ@protonmail.ch
- 知识星球: 区块危机 (BLOCKCRISIS)
- publications: github.com/xxxeyJ/publications
Docs - English - Official documentation.
Docs - Chinese - Official documentation chinese.
Cheatsheet - Cheatsheet from the official docs.
Solidity development - Comprehensively master Solidity smart contract development.
Ethernaut - Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame.
CryptoZombies - CryptoZombies is a gaming platform for learning blockchain.
ethereum/solidity - Source code.
ethereum/solc-bin - Current and historical builds of the compiler.
xxxeyJ's Blog - Security Researcher
Paradigm's Blog - Paradigm is an investment firm focused on supporting the great crypto companies
samczsun's Blog - Paradigm Security Researcher
Rivaill's Blog - Security Researcher
Ethereum - Ethereum's Blog
OpenZeppelin - OpenZeppelin's Blog
PeckShield - PeckShield's Blog
Consensys - Consensys's Blog
Quantstamp - Quantstamp's Blog
Certik - Certik's Blog
Iosiro - Iosiro's Blog
BlockHunters - BlockHunters's Blog
Coinfabrik - Coinfabrik's Blog
Immunefi - Immunefi's Blog
- OpenZeppelin Audit Reports
- ConsenSys Diligence Audit Reports
- PeckShield Audit Reports
- SlowMist Audit Reports
- Trail of Bits Audit Reports
- Tech Audit USA Audit Reports
- Halborn Audit Reports
- InterfiNetwork Audit Reports
- Solidified Audit Reports
- ChainSecurity Audit Reports
- ImmuneBytes Audit Reports
- TechRate Audit Reports
- MixBytes Audit Reports
- Quillhash Audit Reports
- Chainsulting Audit Reports
Porosity - Decompiler and Security Analysis tool for Blockchain-based Ethereum Smart-Contracts.
Mythril - Security analysis tool for Ethereum smart contracts.
MAIAN - Automatic tool for finding trace vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts.
Echidna - Ethereum fuzz testing framework.
Ethersplay - A graphical EVM disassembler with advanced features. (Binja)
Oyente - An automatic EVM code analyzer based on symbolic execution and Z3 SMT solver.
IDA-EVM - IDA Processor Module for the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Evmdis - EVM disassembler.
Securify - Formal Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
SmartCheck - Static smart contract security analyzer
Solgraph - Visualise Solidity control flow for smart contract security analysis
Manticore - Symbolic execution tool on Smart Contracts and Binaries
Rattle - Rattle is an EVM static analyzer that analyzes the EVM bytecode directly for vulnerabilities.
Slither - Static analysis on Solidity.
Diligence - Security Services, Tools and Best Practices for the Ethereum Ecosystem.
Fuildai - Fluid is an AI that can automatically find and fix fatal security vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts.
VSCode - Solidity Visual Auditor Extension for VS Code.
Immunefi - Immunefi is the premier bug bounty platform.
HackenProof - Crowdsourced cybersecurity testing platform.
Ethereum - Ethereum official bug bounty platform.
DVPNET - Decentralized Vulnerability Platform.
SlowMist - SlowMist bug bounty platform.
Bounty0x - Bounty0x is a cryptocurrency bounty hunting platform.
BugBounter - BugBounter bug bounty platform.