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Add some preliminary code for TypeScript support (#126)
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joshsh committed Jun 26, 2024
1 parent f156891 commit f82b6ec
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Showing 2 changed files with 179 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.TypeScript.Language (typeScriptLanguageModule) where

-- Standard Tier-4 imports
import Prelude hiding ((++))
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Maybe as Y
import Hydra.Dsl.Base as Base
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Core as Core
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Graph as Graph
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Equality as Equality
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Flows as Flows
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Io as Io
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Lists as Lists
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Literals as Literals
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Logic as Logic
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Maps as Maps
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Math as Math
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Optionals as Optionals
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Sets as Sets
import Hydra.Dsl.Lib.Strings as Strings
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Module as Module
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Terms as Terms
import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types
import Hydra.Sources.Tier3.All

typeScriptLanguageDefinition :: String -> Datum a -> Definition a
typeScriptLanguageDefinition = definitionInModule typeScriptLanguageModule

typeScriptLanguageModule :: Module Kv
typeScriptLanguageModule = Module ns elements [hydraCodersModule, hydraBasicsModule, hydraStripModule] [] $
Just "Language constraints for TypeScript"
ns = Namespace "hydra/langs/typeScript/language"
elements = [
el typeScriptLanguageDef,
el typeScriptReservedWordsDef]

typeScriptLanguageDef :: Definition (Language a)
typeScriptLanguageDef = typeScriptLanguageDefinition "typeScriptLanguage" $
doc "Language constraints for Protocol Buffers v3" $
typed (Types.apply (TypeVariable _Language) (Types.var "a")) $
record _Language [
_Language_name>>: wrap _LanguageName "hydra/langs/typeScript",
_Language_constraints>>: record _LanguageConstraints [
_LanguageConstraints_eliminationVariants>>: Sets.empty,
_LanguageConstraints_literalVariants>>: Sets.fromList @@ list (unitVariant _LiteralVariant <$> [
_LanguageConstraints_floatTypes>>: Sets.fromList @@ list (unitVariant _FloatType <$> [
_LanguageConstraints_functionVariants>>: Sets.empty,
_LanguageConstraints_integerTypes>>: Sets.fromList @@ list (unitVariant _IntegerType <$> [
_LanguageConstraints_termVariants>>: Sets.fromList @@ list (unitVariant _TermVariant <$> [
_LanguageConstraints_typeVariants>>: Sets.fromList @@ list (unitVariant _TypeVariant <$> [
_LanguageConstraints_types>>: match _Type (Just true) [
_Type_map>>: lambda "mt" (match _Type (Just true) [
_Type_optional>>: constant false] @@ (ref stripTypeDef @@ (Core.mapTypeValues @@ var "mt")))]]]

typeScriptReservedWordsDef :: Definition (S.Set String)
typeScriptReservedWordsDef = typeScriptLanguageDefinition "typeScriptReservedWords" $
doc "A set of reserved words in TypeScript. Taken directly from" $
(Sets.fromList @@ (Lists.concat @@
list [var "reservedWords", var "strictModeReservedWords", var "contextuallKeywords"]))
`with` [
"reservedWords">: list [
"delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "import",
"in", "instanceof", "new", "null", "return", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "var",
"void", "while", "with"],
"strictModeReservedWords">: list [
"as", "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", "yield"],
"contextuallKeywords">: list [
"any", "boolean", "constructor", "declare", "from", "get", "module", "number", "of", "require", "set", "string",
"symbol", "type"]]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.TypeScript.Model where

import Hydra.Sources.Tier3.All
import Hydra.Dsl.Annotations
import Hydra.Dsl.Bootstrap
import Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types

typeScriptNs = Namespace "hydra/langs/typeScript/model"
ts = typeref typeScriptNs

typeScriptModule :: Module Kv
typeScriptModule = Module typeScriptNs elements [hydraCoreModule] [hydraCoreModule] $
Just ("A basic TypeScript model, constructed on the basis of the documentation")
def = datatype typeScriptNs
elements = [

def "FunctionType" $
record [
"parameters">: list $ ts "Parameter",
"range">: ts "Type"],

def "Parameter" $
record [
"name">: string,
"type">: ts "Type"],

def "PrimitiveType" $
union [
doc "integers in the arbitrary precision format"
doc "true and false"
doc "equivalent to the unit type"
doc "a double-precision IEEE 754 floating point"
doc "similar to records"
doc "an immutable UTF-16 string"
doc "a unique value usually used as a key"
doc "also equivalent to the unit type"

def "Type" $
union [
doc "mutable arrays, also written Array<T>" $
ts "Type",
doc "functions" $
ts "FunctionType",
doc "the bottom type"
doc "e.g. { property: Type }"
doc "A primitive type" $
ts "PrimitiveType",
doc "tuples, which are fixed-length but mutable" $
list $ ts "Type",
doc "The top type"
doc "for functions with no documented return value"

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