This node provides functionality for each servo:
- Servo shaft angle rotation in radians by sending corresponding messages
- Adjusting calibration by writing corresponding parameters
- Index of servo to rotate, which determined by joint indexing in kinematic schemerotate_angle
- Shaft angle rotation in radians, which values determined by calibration
Each servo has the following list of parameters grouped by servo index:
- First calibration point in radiansfirst_point_percentage
- First calibration point in percentage of signal strengthlower_limit_percentage
- Minimum in percentage of signal strength to prevent servo overloadingsecond_point_angle
- Second calibration point in radianssecond_point_percentage
- Second calibration point in percentage of signal strengthupper_limit_percentage
- Maximum in percentage of signal strength to prevent servo overloading
These parameters is required to build linear calibration determines relationship between servo signal strength in percentage and its angle in radians for each servo