🧠 Sussex Neuroscience PhD Researcher
🎓 BSc Hons Neuroscience, Queen Mary University of London | MRes Neuroscience, University of Sussex
👩💻 Python | R | 🔧
- Adam Barrett, Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science
- Anil Seth, Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science
- Dominique Makowski, Reality Bending Lab
- Ongoing activity, thought & experience
- (En)active Inference
- Philosophy of Science
- Complex systems & criticality
- Altered states of consciousness
- Mental health, critical psychiatry
- Evolution of cognition
A few influences (maybe more than a few 😅):
- Andy Clark
- Douglas Hofstadter
- Gabor Maté
- György Buzsáki
- Joanna Moncrieff
- Kalina Christoff
- Karl Friston
- Michael Karchoff
- Randy Gallistel
- Stanislas Dehaene
- William Uttal