Movie Vault allows the user to create a list of their movies, add tags to their movies, filter them, edit them, and sort them alphabetically. It's a fun app that anyone can use!
Link to my app in production is here:
- To install this app: git clone
- bundle
- type "rails s" into the console and go to localhost 3000
- To test, simply run rspec in the console
- Chase Dunagan
Sign up
- Navigate to the root page
- click "Sign up"
Add a Movie
- Fill in the fields to add a movie.
- Title is required
- note is optional.
Edit a Movie
- Click on "Edit Movie" and it will take you to a page to edit the movie where you can change the title, note, or even give it tags!
Give a movie Tags
- You can write different tags in the space provided, such as Drama or Comedy, and even combine them by separating them with a comma like "Drama, Comedy"
- To remove a tag, simply edit the movie and do not write that tag in the space provided.
Mark as watched or UNwatched
- To help you keep track of which movies you have watched or not watched, there is a lovely button which allows you to do that
- It greys out the watched movies, while your unwatched movies are still in white.
- You can filter by typing into the filter box, or by clicking on the "show only my watched" or "show only my UNwatched" buttons.
- You can also sort your list of movies, alphabetically.
- You can also click on any tags, and that will take you to a page where all the movies have been filtered by that tag!