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1.6.0: Health and Redirects

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@Cellivar Cellivar released this 18 Mar 05:19

Two major features:

  1. A proper healthcheck endpoint at /_/health for some proper healthchecks.
  2. When running behind a proxy the API and UI will automatically redirect requests to the hostname of your choice.

When you're running NetGoLynx behind a cluster of some sort it's very likely you'll be using both http://go/ and as valid URLs for the server. It's also pretty likely that your GitHub or Okta login configuration will only work for, even though users might attempt to log into the site at http://go/. In my experience this was a pretty good source of confusion.

The documentation now has information for configuring a known correct hostname so that users trying to hit the UI or API will be redirected to the URL of your choosing. This won't affect regular redirects, so http://go/wiki will still just immediately resolve to the wiki link, while http://go/ will redirect to You get performance and a better user experience at the same time!

Has your Security team grumbled about users using non-HTTPS links? Good news, you can avoid sending the raw http request at all by using the NetGoLynx Chrome Extension!