I'm Zihan, you can also call my nickname Cesar. I will graduate from master program in CS of Rutgers University May 2024, and I will continue my Computer Science PhD study here in 2024 Fall. My current research interest is enhancing the programmability of quantum computing.
I graduate from Changwang School of Honors in Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology(NUIST), I earned Bachelor of Engineering in a joint program with University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS), major in Telecommunication Engineering.
I previously interned at AI Health, where I developed cloud-based radiology AI solutions and integrated Large Language Models (LLM) into healthcare applications. These products are now deployed in leading hospitals and research institutions globally, with some commercially available and others still in the experimental phase.
I am interested in potential research collaboration or internship opportunities. If you have any questions about my work or potential cooperation, please feel free to contact me(zihan.chen.cs at rutgers dot edu).