Web for testing Note: client has to start conversation
- ease of integration with the local BE
- integration efforts to local BE not needing extensive customisation
- integration efforts to local BE not encountering significant problems
- base scope of functionality implemented in/towards local bank
- no foreseable blockers found
- possibility to conduct a end-to-end message round trip
- maintenance of the chat component as one core solution (compared csas vs. ebh implementation)
user can communicate with a webchat chatbot
user is able to do a handover from a chatbot to a human agent, to live chat
vydefinovat striktneji, aby se nemohli vymlouvat
jasný scenar co probehne
end to end testovani - dohoda a harmonogram
Example Request:
- Česka spořitelna will have access into test account of Mirra [on monday]
- We can test your API for sending and receiving messages [on monday]
- our platform for communication is this Viber group
- our user story we want to achieve with this first API integration: sending and receiving messages between our router and your system together we will design rest of APIs which is needed for communication 1/ starting a conversation 2/ ending a conversation
- next meeting is 7.4. 11am
- we need service call to start conversation with human
- we need testing capacity for "human hondover" - tomorrow we know timing from HU
- @Jakub - next call - next tuesday
- @Jakub send usecases
- HU implement webhook
- during today HU send time estimation
- CS implement webhook and send URL
- 3pm kolik časů potřebují na implementaci
- next call on thursday 1pm
- access
- this day HU will implement connector for ČS
- next status Thu 23. April 13h