This is a simple ray-tracing program using C++ and openGL.
Features completed:
- Sphere intersection & texture mapping (sphere.cpp -> line 12-32, 48-67)
- Triangle intersection & texture mapping (triangle.cpp -> line 20-61, 76-109)
- Diffuse & specular shading ( -> 95-112)
- Shadows ( -> 84-92)
- Recursive reflection/ refraction ( -> 122-160)
- Creative original scenes
All renderings of the sample scenes can be found in: /TestScenes
! original scenes location: /MyRenders Scene 1: balls. (balls.png & balls_tricolor.png) Scene 2: minecraft inspired christmas scene (white_christmas.png & holographic_christmas.png)
Original scene ray files & textures used: /Media/MyScenes Scene 1: balls.ray Scene 2: christmas.ray
Source files: /Sources
- attenuation for phong illumination model ( -> line 103-109)
- fresnel effect ( -> line 152-157)