School project
- This app is based on OpenALPR
- iOS 9+
- RN 0.60+
- Clone this repo
- Enter project folder
- Run:
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
react-native run-ios
- If this does not work , try compileing the app from Xcode by opening ios/Park.xcworkspace
- in Xcode go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme... and on Build Configuration choose Debug
- I thing i forgot to change it to Debug before upload
- Add takePicture method (so every car has its own picture in the park) and can correct the license plates (if wrong)
- Code cleanup
- Moga Amadeus - Mockup designer
- Special thanks to Robert Sasak for react-native-openalpr
- And all other libraries used in this project , from package.json