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Chaffelson edited this page Sep 26, 2018 · 2 revisions

RequestExpired: Request has expired

This is caused by the time in the Docker image being too far out of sync. Common with Docker on Mac due to timesync issues after sleep. Can be fixed with the following to resyny the Docker VM clock with the OS::

docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s

Cloudbreak unavailable, Deployment Timeout, etc.

Cloudbreak may not be available for various reasons, here are some useful steps

Cmdline Login::

ssh -i <ssh key in your profile> centos@<Cloudbreak IP or FQDN>
sudo su -
ls /root  # Cloudbreak control directory, if install succeeded
cat /var/log/cloud-init.log  # Server bootstrap, can indicate initialization errors
cat /var/log/cbd_bootstrap_centos7.log  # Cloudbreak installer log, can indicate install failure
curl  # Check the passed-in build script
cd /root && cbd restart  # Restarting Cloudbreak, may provide a view of error basis

AuthFailure: You do not have permission to access the specified resource

This seems to happen if you've never accessed AWS from the CLI before. Installing the official AWS CLI seems to resolve the issue.