This module allows you to automatically be redirect to any OAuth2 SSO on 401 server response. This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.0.
npm install ngx-oauth2 --save
Just import the module and give him the API Management's provided client_id which allow your front application to communicate to your API, and the url of the discovery endpoint of your OpenId SSO.
imports: [
OAuth2Module.forRoot({client_id: '', endpoints_discovery: ''})
providers: [...],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
And you just have to use the HttpClient service the regular way.
This module configuration follow the OpenId connect meta-data convention. So you can specify or override any configuration.
Keep in mind that the module require at least the authorization_endpoint
config value, and optionally the userinfo_endpoint
to retrieve user information.
isConnected(): boolean
login(): Observable<void | OpenIdUser>
logout(): Observable<void>
userInfo<OpenIdUser>(): Observable<T>
getAuthorizationHeader(): string
You can use this guard to activate a route only if a valid token is present in the application.
You can use this guard to activate a route only if there isn't token in the application.
The best way to protect all your application is to use the OAuth2ConnectedGuard on a global route :
export const routingTable: Routes = [
path: '',
canActivate: [OAuth2ConnectedGuard],
children: [
... // all of your application routes goes here