React Native component that mimics the UI present in Google Play Store, Movies & TV
- Fully customizable UI from opacity interpolation to animating featured image
- Content is displayed inside of a customizable ScrollView component
β Using npm:
npm install google-playswipe
π§Ά Using yarn:
yarn add google-playswipe
import PlaySwipe from 'google-playswipe';
Add a <PlaySwipe />
tag within your component with required props.
const data = {
items: [
{ title: 'Knight and Day', description: '$0.99', imageSource: '' },
{ title: 'The Vanishing', description: '$1.99', imageSource: '' },
{ title: 'Ultimate Avengers 2', description: '$1.99', imageSource: '' },
{ title: 'The Humanity Bureau', description: '$4.99', imageSource: '' },
{ title: 'Trading Paint', description: '$1.99', imageSource: '' }
const { items } = data;
const cardItems = => (
imageSource: { uri: item.imageSource } or require('path to local image'),
key: item.title,
onClick: () => Alert.alert(item.title), // onclick handler for each card data item
content: {
headerTitle: 'Rentals from $0.99',
headerSubtitle: 'Discover a new favourite',
headerButton: (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => Alert.alert('Discover more!')}>
<Ionicons name="md-arrow-forward" size={28} color="#58646e" />
source: { uri: 'resource identifier for the image' }
source: require('./path/to/image.png')
content: cardItems,
content: {
headerTitle: 'Rentals from $0.99',
headerSubtitle: 'Discover a new favourite',
headerButton: (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => Alert.alert('Discover more!')}>
<Ionicons name="md-arrow-forward" size={28} color="#58646e" />
styles: {
sectionHeaderStyles: // provide your custom styles
headerViewStyles: // provide your custom styles
headerTitleStyles: // provide your custom styles
headerSubTitleStyles: // provide your custom styles
source: { uri: 'resource identifier for the image' }
source: require('./path/to/image.png')
styles: {
imageContainerStyles: // provide your custom styles
imageStyles: // provide your custom styles
content: cardItems,
styles: {
sectionContainerStyle: // provide your custom styles
sectionImageStyle: // provide your custom styles
sectionTitleStyle: // provide your custom styles
sectionSubTitleStyle: // provide your custom styles
styles: // provide your custom styles,
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: false,
horizontal: true,
scrollEventThrottle: 16,
decelerationRate: 0,
snapToInterval: 150,
contentInset: // provide custom insets,
contentContainerStyle: // provide your custom styles,
backgroundTransitionInterpolationConfig: {
inputRange: [50, 100],
outputRange: ['#FBAB7E', '#F7CE68'],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: [0, -50],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
imageOpacityInterpolationConfig: {
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: [1, 0.1],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
Name | Description | Type | Required |
title | Card tile | String | β |
descriptoin | Card description | String | |
imageSource | Image to be dispalyed in the card | ImageSourcePropType | β |
onClick | Handler function when a card is pressed | NativeTouchEvent | |
styles | Collection of styles for swipe item component | CardStyles |
Name | Description | Type | Required |
title | Header tile | String | β |
description | Header description | String | |
button | Ideally a button or JSX element for the header component | JSX.Element | β |
styles | Collection of styles for header component | StyleProp |
Name | Description | Type | Required |
header | Object that is required to build the header component | Header | β |
featuredImage | Featured image that will be displayed to the left of card ui | FeaturedImage | β |
cardItems | Object that contains the card item data and styles | CardItems | β |
swipeContainerStyles | Collection of styles for the card items swipe container | StyleProp; | |
interpolations | Object that contains interpolation for animations effects | HorizontalScrollInterpolations |
Feel free to open a new pull request or GitHub issue for any changes.
Chandan Rauniyar |