🌟 🌟 Built with and inspired by great designs 🌟 🌟
web3-RNGO is a (React Native & Go) apartments rental mobile application which seeks to bring renting of apartments to the comfort zone of its users. The project is in two phases; the web2 aspect, which is currently being built on the main branch, and the web3 aspect, which will be built on another branch after the web2 aspect is completed.
If you wish to know more about web2 and web3 and how beneficial each application environment is, kindly use the below links as reference or guide.
- web-2 vs web-3 hosted on Spiceworks by Ojasvi Nath
- WEB2 VS WEB3 hosted on Ethereum.org by Paul Wackerow
The following stack of tools is being/was used to build out the web2 aspect of the mobile application.
- Expo - For emulation
- TypeScript - For frontend
- React Native - For frontend
- Go - For backend
- Iris - A Go framework
- Amazon S3 - For image storage
- PostgreSQL - For database
The following tools were used in designing the frontend of the mobile application
- UI - UI Kitten (Provides an intuitive shade of design colors from which one can generate a theme for a design saved to a theme.ts or theme.js file)
Not decided yet, thoughts are welcome. In the meantime, you can check my hunt.town to track what I am working on. You can also join the town to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. However, these are the tools or stack I intend to use if nothing comes my way.
This project is an upgrade of Jeremy Persing's apartment application project. If you missed something on the web2 build, be sure to check his YouTube channel, if it has to do with my upgrade, feel free to ping me.
Hello, I am Chara. If you find this helpful, please do share. If you need to get in touch with me by all means, you can connect with me on Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn and on Discord