Hey! This is the source code behind my personal site.
It's written mostly in Rust and uses Actix-Web as a web server. I chose to write it in Rust since I wanted to see how support for writing servers has developed since I last used it, and I want to get more familiar with practical Rust for some other project ideas I'm working on.
Styling is done using Water.css (hands-off styling).
The server is containerized in a small Dockerfile and I've included the fly.toml file for reference.
Adding a /notes directory lets you serve HTML pages for blog posts/notes. I've added a cool little feature to "password" protect certain files- just add a "secure.json" file to the src folder in the following format:
"secure.filename.html": "password"
Prepending a file with "secure." and adding it to both the notes folder & secure.json file lets you include weak "password" protected files with links that expire in an hour. It's just a fun way to keep my notes accessible and reward those who can guess what passwords I'd pick. As a rule of thumb, I try to make them one word long and related to the contents of the note/post.