Shellscripts for DTI connectomics generation from rodent data.
- mouse_singleShell_dtiConnectomics
- mouse_multiShell_dtiConnectomics
- rat_singleShell_dtiConnectomics
- rat_multiShell_dtiConnectomics
You need to have these programmed installed.
├── dat # each subdirectory contains a dataset
│ ├── dataset1
│ ├── dataset2
│ └── ...
└── shellscripts # download and save the shellscripts here
For Preprocessing step
- grad.txt (grad_xx.txt; diffusion-weighted gradient scheme in MRtrix format)
- dwi.nii (dwi_xx.nii)
- rc_mt2.nii / rc_t2.nii (SPM biasfield-corrected/uncorrected t2 coregistered to dwi)
- rc_ix_AVGTmask.nii (mask image)
- c_t2.nii requires preprocessing in ANTx2 toolbox
For Connectome generation
- ANO_DTI.nii (atlas)
- ANO_DTI.txt (6 columns: ID, LabelName, R, G, B, A)
- atlas_lut.txt (identical to ANO_DTI.txt, but make sure ID is sequential with no gaps)
In terminal, go to the dat
directory. Run the 'complete' file in the shellscripts folder. E.g.
cd /path/to/directory/dat