Visualizes how several different sorting algorithms work in realtime.
- Red = Array modifications (exchanges).
- Yellow = Compared items since last exchange.
- Gray = Untouched since last exchange.
Labels on bottom of each panel:
- E: Number of exchanges
- C: Number of compares
- T: Exchanges + Compares (can be interpreted as the total time required by the algorithm)
The sorting algorithms are based on the book "Algorithms" by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Currently implemented sorting algorithms:
- Insertion sort
- Selection sort
- Bubble sort
- Merge sort (top down, with cutoff for insertion sort)
- Merge sort (bottom up)
- Shellsort
- Quicksort
- Heapsort
I use some code from StdLib shipped with the book, so the program must be licensed under GPL.