docker-compose up -d or make start etc.
- nginx -
- mysql -
- phpmyadmin -
- postgres -
- pgAdmin -
- php -
- redis -
- mailhog -
Three additional containers Composer, NPM, and Artisan commands e.g.:
docker-compose run --rm composer update
docker-compose run --rm npm run dev
docker-compose run --rm artisan migrate
LARAVEL: .env : need to change the DB_HOST variable and specify the service that will run MySQL in it. In our case, we used the "mysql" service name. Hence DB_HOST=mysql laravel9: need to choose vite or mix
SYMFONY: .env : need to change the DATABASE_URL (DATABASE_URL="postgresql://app:!ChangeMe!@") variable and specify the service that will run postgres in it. In our case, we used the "postgres" service name. Hence DATABASE_URL="postgresql://app:!ChangeMe!@postgres:5432/app?serverVersion=15&charset=utf8"