The latest version of this repo can be found at:
DocCon is a tool for detecting inconsistencies between documentations and the corresponding code for Solidity smart contract libraries.
This repo provides a docker to replicate evaluation done in the ASE 2022 paper.
- Linux OS (tested on Debian/sid, Ubuntu/16.04)
- Docker (tested with 20.10.14, should work on newer versions)
- At least 3GB space for the docker image
Clone this repo and build Docker image:
git clone
cd DocCon
sudo docker build -t doccon .
Time estimation: 20β30 minutes (on modern hardware with good network condition)
If successful, at the end of the command line output should look similar to the following:
Successfully built 778036834c4e
Successfully tagged doccon:latest
After building the Docker image, you can start the Docker container:
sudo docker run --name doccon --rm -it doccon
Once started, the container will start the end-to-end evaluation process automatically, which consist of three parts.
- Code facts extraction
- Documentation fact extraction
- Inconsistency discovery
The process may take about three minutes.
When it finishs the three steps, it will show results corresponding to the results presented in the paper. It is recommended that your terminal window has at least 100 columns to easily read the results on screen.
All the following evaluation are done for the three smart contract libraries.
DocCon defines three levels according to the severity of the doc-code inconsistency (errors).
For level-1 (most severe) errors, we inspect every case and label true positive cases and false positive ones to calculate the precision.
For level-2 errors, we only inspect and label some sampled cases. Numbers of all detected errors as well as precision calculated according to labelled cases are shown.
For level-3 (least severe) errors, we only list the total reported errors.
We also list file locations if you want to inspect the Datalog output and the labeled data.
Note that L1*.csv
means there are a series of CSV files (actually TSV, tab-separated) beginning
with L1
, containing errors detected by different rules.
You should see the following table, presenting data in Table.4 of the paper.
# OpenZeppelin #
[OpenZeppelin] Load All (labelled) Level-1 Errors
Level-1 Total: 49 (files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1*.csv)
True Positive: 38 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/OZ-lv1/tp.csv)
False Positive: 11 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/OZ-lv1/fp.csv)
OpenZeppelin Level-1 Precision: 0.78
[OpenZeppelin] Load All and Sampled (labelled) Level-2 Errors
Level-2 Total: 567 (files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L2*.csv)
Sample size: 229
True Positive: 164 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/OZ-lv2/tp.csv)
False Positive: 65 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/OZ-lv2/fp.csv)
OpenZeppelin Level-2 Precision (sampled): 0.72
[OpenZeppelin] Load All (not-labelled) Level-3 Errors
Level-3 Total: 3741 (files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L3*.csv)
# ERC721-Ext. #
[ERC721-Ext.] Load All (labelled) Level-1 Errors
Level-1 Total: 3 (files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L1*.csv)
True Positive: 3 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/ERC-lv1/tp.csv)
False Positive: 0 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/ERC-lv1/fp.csv)
ERC721-Ext. Level-1 precision: 1.00
[ERC721-Ext.] Load All (labelled) Level-2 Errors
Level-2 Total: 79 (files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L2*.csv)
True Positive: 58 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/ERC-lv1/tp.csv)
False Positive: 21 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/ERC-lv1/fp.csv)
ERC721-Ext. Level-2 precision: 0.73
[ERC721-Ext.] Load All (not-labelled) Level-3 Errors
Level-3 Total: 377 (files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L3*.csv)
# Dappsys #
[Dappsys] Load All (labelled) Level-1 Errors
Level-1 Total: 4
(files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/l1-total.csv)
True Positive: 2 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/Dapp-lv1/tp.csv)
False Positive: 2 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/Dapp-lv1/fp.csv)
Dappsys Level-1 precision: 0.50
[Dappsys] Load All (labelled) Level-2 Errors
Level-2 Total: 141
(files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/l2-total.csv)
True Positive: 75 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/Dapp-lv2/tp.csv)
False Positive: 66 (file: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/labelled/Dapp-lv2/fp.csv)
Dappsys Level-2 precision: 0.53
[Dappsys] Load All (not-labelled) Level-3 Errors
Level-3 Total: 448
(files: /opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/l3-total.csv)
We show all facts revealing inconsistency cases reported to the developers in the following format. In total, there are 19 issues, containing 40 inconsistencies.
For each issue, we list the URL, the number of inconsistencies reported, whether the issue have been confirmed or fixed, and the revealing facts.
All Reported Cases
Reported issue 1:
Contain 2 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:ERC20 _transfer recipient
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:ERC20 _transfer sender
Reported issue 2:
Contain 2 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:ERC777 _mint data
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:ERC777 _mint operator
Reported issue 3:
Contain 2 inconsistencies NotConfirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:IERC777 send operatorData
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:IERC777 burn operatorData
Reported issue 4:
Contain 3 inconsistencies Confirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Require.csv:ERC721 safeTransferFrom $Cmp($Literal(from), $Literal(address(0)), NEQ)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Require.csv:ERC721 transferFrom $Cmp($Literal(from), $Literal(address(0)), NEQ)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Require.csv:ERC721 _safeTransfer $Cmp($Literal(from), $Literal(address(0)), NEQ)
Reported issue 5:
Contain 1 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:ERC721 _safeMint data
Reported issue 6:
Contain 4 inconsistencies Confirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Require.csv:EnumerableMap _at $Cmp($Literal(index), $Literal({length}), LT)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Require.csv:EnumerableMap at $Cmp($Literal(index), $Literal({length}), LT)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Require.csv:EnumerableSet _at $Cmp($Literal(index), $Literal({length}), LT)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Require.csv:EnumerableSet at $Cmp($Literal(index), $Literal({length}), LT)
Reported issue 7:
Contain 4 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:ERC1155 _beforeTokenTransfer amount
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:ERC1155 _beforeTokenTransfer id
Reported issue 8:
Contain 2 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
(The 2 inconsistencies involves overloaded methods, thus only 1 fact here)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1Emit.csv:VestingWallet release TokensReleased $Bool(True)
Reported issue 9:
Contain 3 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L2Emit.csv:Escrow deposit Deposited $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L2Emit.csv:Escrow withdraw Withdrawn $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L2Emit.csv:PullPayment _asyncTransfer Deposited $Bool(True)
Reported issue 10:
Contain 1 inconsistency Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L2Emit.csv:AccessControl _grantRole RoleGranted $Bool(True)
Reported issue 11:
Contain 1 inconsistency Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasFn.csv:ERC3156FlashBorrower onFlashLoan
Reported issue 12:
Contain 1 inconsistency Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L2Emit.csv:ERC1155 _mintBatch TransferBatch $Bool(True)
Reported issue 13:
Contain 2 inconsistencies NotConfirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:IERC1820Registry setInterfaceImplementer interfaceHash
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/openzeppelin/v4.5.0/L1HasParam.csv:IERC1820Registry getInterfaceImplementer interfaceHash
Reported issue 14:
Contain 2 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L1Override.csv:HasSecondarySalesFees getFeeRecipients WithFees getFeeRecipients
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L1Override.csv:HasSecondarySalesFees getFeeBps WithFees getFeeBps
Reported issue 15:
Contain 5 inconsistencies Confirmed Fixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L2Emit.csv:WithMarketOffers _cancelOffer OfferWithdrawn $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L2Emit.csv:WithMarketOffers _beforeTokenTransfer OfferWithdrawn $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L2Emit.csv:WithMarketOffers cancelOffer OfferWithdrawn $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L2Emit.csv:WithMarketOffers _makeOffer OfferCreated $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/erc721-extensions/v0.0.18/L2Emit.csv:WithMarketOffers makeOfferTo OfferCreated $Bool(True)
Reported issue 16:
Contain 2 inconsistencies NotConfirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/ds-chief/L1Emit.csv:DSChiefApprovals lock LogLockFree $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/ds-chief/L1Emit.csv:DSChiefApprovals free LogLockFree $Bool(True)
Reported issue 17:
Contain 2 inconsistencies NotConfirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/ds-chief/L2Emit.csv:DSChiefApprovals vote Etch $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/ds-chief/L2Emit.csv:DSChiefApprovals etch Etch $Bool(True)
Reported issue 18:
Contain 1 inconsistency NotConfirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/ds-auth/L2Emit.csv:DSAuth setOwner LogSetOwner $Bool(True)
Reported issue 19:
Contain 2 inconsistencies NotConfirmed NotFixed
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/ds-token/L2Emit.csv:DSToken transferFrom Transfer $Bool(True)
/opt/doccon/exp/dl/out/dapphub/ds-token/L2Emit.csv:DSToken transfer Transfer $Bool(True)
In total: 40 reported inconsistencies, 25 level-1, 15 level-2, 29 confirmed, 22 fixed.
To study the errors in smart contract API documentations in depth, we categorized all the manually validated true-positive cases.
The categorization can be determined according to which Datalog facts reveal the error. E.g., ERC20 _transfer recipient
reveals an error and is a fact of predicate L1HasParam
. Because L*HasParam
describes the containment relation between functions and parameters, we categorize it as "Element
Category | Files |
Event Emission | L*Emit.csv |
Transaction Requirement and Reversion | L*Require.csv , L*Revert.csv |
Element Containment | L*HasFn.csv , L*HasParam.csv , L*CtHasMod , L*HasStateVar.csv , |
Element Reference | L*Override.csv , L*FnHasMod.csv , L*Inherit.csv |
We use labelled data to search in respective files (e.g., L1Emit.csv
for level-1 Event Emission
errors) to print the number of errors in each category for level-1 errors.
You should see the following output. This should match the left side of Fig.10 in the paper. We do not show level-2 results here since level-2 involves usages of manually sampled data.
Categorization of Errors (RQ3 in the paper)
# Level-1 #
Event Emission: 3
Transaction Requirement and Reversion: 17
Element Containment: 20
Element Reference: 3
# Level-2 #
Event Emission: 106
Transaction Requirement and Reversion: 191
Inside docker everything we use resides inside /opt/doccon
You can inspect:
: the extractors we build to extract facts.datalog
: Datalog rules we used to query.exp/dl/in
: facts generated by extractors.exp/dl/out
: queried results, all our results above can be found in files under it.
βββπ Code2Schema # code facts extractor
βββπ smart_factbase # doc facts extractor
βββπ datalog # datalog definitions, inference rules
βββπ library-src # source of generated
βββπ library-facts # generated code facts, will be linked to exp/dl/in dir
βββπ exp # storing generated data and pre-installed data
| ββπ dl # datalog related
| | ββπ in # inference input, will link to generated codefacts and docfacts
| | ββπ out # inference output
| ββπdoc_facts # generated doc facts, will be linked to exp/dl/in dir
| ββπ dapphub
| ββπ erc721-extensions
| ββπ openzeppelin
βββπ # bash script which automatically run after the container starts
In all RQ1-RQ3 above, we also give file locations and you can inspect those files if interested in details.
We report the total level-1/2/3 numbers of detected errors in the Table.4 of the paper. Those numbers can be verified by counting the numbers of lines of those files as below. You can also inspect those files to see the corresponding facts.
Files mentioned in the previous section (e.g., all-L1.csv
, all-L2.csv
) are concatenation of
standalone files residing in the same directories. For example, under
, there are:
are concatenation of those files, all of
which are tab-separated value files. Each file contains errors of a specific type of one of the
three levels and each line corresponds to a detected error.
For example, L1HasParam.csv
contains Level-1 errors, related to existence of function parameters.
In that file, ERC1155 _beforeTokenTransfer amount
indicates that documentation of contract
indicates function _beforeTokenTransfer
has a parameter named amount
but not in the
You can find out how to interpret other CSV files by checking Datalog files in
and related descriptions in the paper.
If you would like to use DocCon in your research, please cite our ASE'22 paper.
author = {Zhu, Chenguang and Liu, Ye and Wu, Xiuheng and Li, Yi},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering},
title = {Identifying Solidity Smart Contract API Documentation Errors},
year = {2022}