Record discord bot analytics with ease
To first get started you will need a key to use (Free) Click on any endpoint to view the steps on getting a token
If you are using Discord.js or Eris then this module is already built with full auto reporting
To get started
const cheweyBotAnalyticsAPI=require("discord-bot-analytics")
const customAnalytics = new cheweyBotAnalyticsAPI("YOUR API TOKEN", discordBot)
If you using Discord.js or Eris then thats all you reporting is setup
Webdash board (Very Simple) (Your UserID is your personal one NOT your botID)
Get all stats for chart (fetch every 5 minutes)
Getting latest (fetch every minute)
The following is an example for Eris
const Eris = require("eris");
const bot = new Eris("BOT_TOKEN");
/* Simply add these 2 lines to start tracking */
const cheweyBotAnalyticsAPI=require("discord-bot-analytics")
const customAnalytics = new cheweyBotAnalyticsAPI("YOUR API TOKEN", bot)
bot.on("ready", () => {
bot.on("messageCreate", (msg) => {
if(msg.content === "!ping") {
bot.createMessage(, "Pong!");
bot.connect(); // Get the bot to connect to Discord
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
/* Simply add these 2 lines to start tracking */
const cheweyBotAnalyticsAPI=require("discord-bot-analytics")
const customAnalytics = new cheweyBotAnalyticsAPI("YOUR API TOKEN", client)
client.on('ready', () => {
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.content === 'ping') {
Currently supported: servers, users, channels, sent messages, received messages, Ram
Analytics are reported at 10minute intervals and stored forever (Details below)
As time goes on the stats will become more aggregated when stored on the server (Up per day stats) This is so more data can be held longer giving better insight to your bot As you may not care about per hour data from 6 months ago hence as time goes it might be compressed to for that day
There is none as long as I can pay the bills then this service will be free Like the service or want to help out then checkout
Perks coming soon: Higher resolution data (per minute)