The current functionality includes:
- Play against chess engines
- Play against another user over the network
- Load a game position from a FEN
- Export games to PGN
Here is an example of how it looks in the terminal
Features that still need to be added
Add UCI compatabilityMinimally implementedDetect StalemateDetect 3-fold repetition stalemate- Load/save FEN from/to files
export/import PGN formatFlip view of the board between black and white perspectiveNetworking
Install from AUR here
run $make install
to compile the program and install it.
A list of command line arguments can be seen with $./chessterm --help
In the program you will be presented with a view of the current position and
a prompt. You can type
: help
to see all of the commands you can run while the program is runinng.
You can also type a move in SAN notation to make a move.
Example: : e4
or : Nf3
Pieces must be uppercase, and files must be lowercase for the move to be read
To play against someone on the network, simple have on player run chessterm with
the command chessterm -h
to act as the host, and the other player use the
command chessterm -c IPADDRESS
to connect to the host. You can also use the
machine's hostname instead of the IP address if your network supports hostname
Any chess engine that supports the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) protocol can
be connected to chessterm with the chessterm --white_engine="PATH/TO/ENGINE"
You can replace --white_engine
with --black_engine
to make the engine play
as black.