An MVP (Minimum viable product) wallet service where a user can create, fund, withdraw, and transfer funds to another user’s account.
Demo Credit is a Minimum viable product wallet service where a user can create, fund, withdraw, and transfer funds to another user’s account. It is built on Node and Express while persisting data with MySQL through Knex ORM.
- Account creation
- Account funding
- Fund transfer
- Fund withdrawal
List any prerequisites or dependencies needed to run your project.
- Node.js (LTS)
- Express
- TypeScript
- MySQL (version 8)
- Knex ORM
Follow these steps to get started.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate to the project directory
# Install dependencies
npm install
# restart dev server with nodemon
npm start
# build typescript
npm run build
# Run pending migrations
npx knex migrate:latest
npx knex seed:run
- createUser: http://localhost:7000/api/register
- userLogin: http://localhost:7000/api/login
- fundWallet: http://localhost:7000/api/fund-wallet
- transferFund: http://localhost:7000/api/transfer
- withdrawFund: http://localhost:7000/api/withdraw
- transactionHistory: http://localhost:7000/api/transactions